What are the causes and remedies for burning sensation during urination?

Burning sensation in urine (urinary tract infection) is a common problem in women. But in today's era, it has started occurring in men as well.
This problem of burning sensation in urine is a symptom of infection in the urinary system. In its initial stage, with the help of simple home remedies, one can get rid of the problem of burning sensation in urine.

Many women suffer from the problem of urinary tract infection. This has become a common problem. Because their physical structure is such that whatever bacteria comes out of the body during stool discharge, it can easily stick to the walls of the urinary tract and start causing infection. If not treated at the right time, this infection reaches the bladder and kidneys. Burning sensation in urine and foul smell in urine, as well as burning sensation around the privet part.

Symptoms of burning sensation in urine
Burning sensation in the urinary organ while urinating.
Experiencing pain while urinating.

Main causes of burning sensation in urine ,Bacterial infection in the urinary tract

Methods of prevention

Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. This will flush out the bacteria present in the body through urine.

It is also advisable to stay away from physical relations in case of infection.

In case of UTI, stay away from spicy food, coffee, tea and alcohol.

Be sure to flush before and after using a public toilet. Make sure that the toilet seat is clean and dry.

Holding the pressure of urine for a long time is harmful for health.

Keep the privet part clean and dry. Wash clothes and panties thoroughly with lukewarm water before using them.

Home remedies
Burning sensation in urine: Home remedies
Boil 1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds powder in 1 glass of water. Filter it when half the water remains. Then add powdered sugar candy to it as per taste and let it cool. By drinking this coriander water 3-4 times a day, urine infection, burning sensation in urine, pain etc. are cured very quickly. If sugar candy is not available, then this coriander water can be drunk without sugar candy.

Burning sensation in urine: Home remedies

Peel and cut a small piece of ginger. Mix 1 teaspoon black sesame seeds in this ginger and grind it. If it is not grinding properly, then add some water. Mix 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder well in this ginger sesame paste. By licking it little by little 2-3 times a day, urine infection, burning sensation in urine etc. are cured very quickly.

Burning sensation in urine: Home remedies

Grind three cardamom seeds and make a powder. This powdered piece of cardamom should be taken twice a day with 1 cup cold milk. This cures urine infection, burning sensation in urine etc. very quickly.

Burning sensation in urine: Home remedies
Crush dry coriander (Dana) coarsely and separate its peel and take out the kernels from inside. Take 300 grams of coriander kernels (usually 300 grams kernels are taken out from 450 grams of coriander) and  sugar of equal weight. Grind both of them separately and mix them.

Method of intake - Take this powder twice a day in the morning and evening in the quantity of 6-6 grams. In the morning, swallow 6 grams of powder with stale water kept overnight without eating or drinking anything. Similarly, swallow 6 grams of powder in the evening with stale water kept in the morning. Do not eat anything for two hours after taking the powder. It is unique for removing burning sensation in urine. Consume it for three to twenty one days as per requirement.

Special -

1. Apart from burning sensation in urine, this remedy is also infallible in the stimulation of semen. The first two doses will show benefits in the case of severe and severe nocturnal emission. It will have to be taken for three to seven days in this disease. If the stool is in the form of very thin stools, then instead of taking the second dose at four in the evening, take it half an hour before going to bed. However, if the complaint of constipation persists, then take the second dose at four in the evening. Before going to bed at night, swallow four to fifteen grams of Isabgol husk (peel) with fresh water, and you will have bowel movement without any pain. Use Isabgol in small quantities on the first night. If this does not give any relief, then increase its quantity on the second night. Till the stool becomes clear (this is what is meant by four to fifteen grams). Apart from being a harmless constipation reliever, Isabgol especially helps the above medicine in thickening the semen, removing nocturnal emission and irritation of the bladder.

2. While consuming this medicine cures diabetes, it is also very beneficial in diseases like weakness of eyesight, dimness, headache, dizziness, sleeplessness etc. caused by diabetes, seminal loss or disorders and strengthens the heart and brain.

3. In case of semen stimulation and seminal loss, only proper practice of Bhujangasana (Sarpasana) gives permanent relief.

Burning in urine: Home remedies
Grind ten leaves of wood apple finely in the morning and evening and mix 250 grams of water and drink. You will get relief in three to four days. Take it for fifteen days to cure seminal loss.

Burning in urine: Home remedies - 6* In case of burning or obstruction in urine, wet a towel in cold water and place it on the pelvis below the navel and lie down for 15-20 minutes, this will cure the burning sensation.

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