What are the benefits of jamun fruit for our health?

India is also known as Jambu Dweep and this name is because of Jamun. It is surprising that a country was named after a fruit!

Actually Jamun has many names and one of them is Jambu. Jamun has been abundant in India. The number of its trees in our country is in millions and crores and perhaps this is the reason why this fruit became the identity of our country.

It has also been a special character in the two major centers of Indian mythology, Ramayana and Mahabharata. Lord Rama mainly consumed Jamun during his 14 years of exile, while the color of Shri Krishna's body has been said to be purple. This name is often pronounced in Sanskrit verses.

Jamun is a purely Indian fruit. Every street and locality of India is familiar with its taste. Jamun is a seasonal fruit. Apart from being delicious to eat, it also has many medicinal properties. Jamun is a fruit of acidic nature but it is sweet in taste. Glucose and fructose are found in abundance in jamun. Almost all the essential salts required by the body are found in jamun.

Benefits of eating jamun:

1. Jamun is very beneficial for digestion. Eating jamun cures many stomach related problems.

2. Jamun is a panacea for diabetes patients. Dry and grind the seeds of jamun. Eating this powder is very beneficial in diabetes.

3. Apart from diabetes, many such elements are found in it which are effective in preventing cancer. Apart from this, eating jamun is also beneficial in preventing stones. Its seeds should be finely ground and taken with water or curd.

4. If someone is suffering from diarrhea, it is beneficial to eat jamun with rock salt. Jamun seeds also prove to be very beneficial in case of bloody diarrhea.

5. Jamun is especially beneficial in solving many problems related to teeth and gums. Grind its seeds. Brushing teeth with it keeps teeth and gums healthy. Jamun is a panacea for diabetes patients. It keeps the digestive system healthy. It is also very beneficial for teeth and gums. Jamun contains carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, iron and potassium. In Ayurveda, it is advised to eat Jamun after meals.

The wood of Jamun is also unmatched. Apart from being an excellent building wood, it has amazing power to stay in water. If a thick piece of Jamun wood is kept in a water tank, then algae or green moss does not accumulate in the tank, so the tank does not have to be cleaned for a long time. In ancient times, this was the reason for the abundance of Jamun on the banks of water sources. Its leaves have antibacterial properties which always keep the water clean. Jamun trees were often planted on the banks of wells.

One special feature of Jamun is that its wood does not rot in water for a long time. Due to this quality of Jamun, it is used extensively in making boats. Along with being a storehouse of medicinal properties, Jamun is also a fruit that gives a lot of income for farmers.

The Jamun tree is very useful for preventing soil erosion on the banks of rivers and canals. Till now, Jamun cultivation is rarely seen in a commercially planned manner. In most parts of the country, farmers cultivate it in an unplanned manner. Most of the farmers have very little knowledge about the profitable fruit of Jamun and its market, perhaps due to this reason they are away from commercial cultivation of Jamun. Whereas the truth is that most people like Jamun fruits and its fruit is sold at a good price.

There are unlimited possibilities of profit in Jamun cultivation. It is used in preparing medicines, as well as food items like jelly, jam are prepared from Jamun.

The most important thing is that Jamun has been the identity of us Indians, so we all should contribute in the conservation and promotion of this tree.


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