What Are the Benefits of Installing a Dehumidifier in Crawl Space?

Benefits of Installing a Dehumidifier in Crawl Space

Just because your crawl space is encapsulated doesn’t mean it’s safe from high humidity levels. This is why waterproofing contractors recommend installing a dehumidifier in the area. As its name implies, such equipment removes humidity from any room. In case you need more reasons you need a dehumidifier, here are some of its benefits:

  • It Helps Prevent Mold and Insect Infestation

Molds, pests, and insects thrive well in damp and moisture-rich environments. So, if your crawl space has high humidity levels, it could be the perfect home for them. By installing a dehumidifier in the underside of your property, you’ll be able to control the moisture levels in the area and prevent mold, pest, and insect infestation.

  • It Increases the Structural Integrity of Your Property

High humidity levels produce condensation, which increases the likelihood of wood rot and decay. If your support beams and subflooring are made of wood, they can get damaged. And when this happens, they might lose their strength to hold the weight of your property. 

Aside from condensation, mold, pest, and insect infestation can also threaten your home’s structural integrity. Fungi, along with insects like termites, carpenter ants, and wood-boring beetles, can eat and break down your wooden construction materials and furniture.

  • It Helps Protect Your Health

When molds, pests, and insects infest your crawl space, you may experience health problems. Exposure to fungi can cause allergic symptoms like coughing, difficulty breathing, fatigue, headache, itching, runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and wheezing. 

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, some pests and insects can spread serious illnesses. Mosquitoes and rodents, for example, can cause vector-borne diseases like Zika virus, Lyme disease, and rabies. Meanwhile, cockroaches can trigger allergy symptoms and asthma.

  • It Removes Unwanted Odors

Does your house smell weird even after cleaning every corner of it? If your answer is yes, then there’s a high possibility that the odor is coming from your crawl space. The area may have already been infested with molds, insects, or pests. They produce moldy, stale, earthly, pungent, or musky scents. If there’s a dead rodent on the underside of your home, you may notice a smell of propane gas or rotting meat.

  • It Helps You Save Energy

One appliance that uses the most energy in your home is your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) unit. So, if you’ve noticed a sudden increase in your electricity bill without changing your energy usage habits, your HVAC system may be to blame. 

When your house is too humid, your HVAC unit will have to work harder than needed to keep you and your family comfortable. But as it does this, it will have to use more energy. As a result, you’ll have to pay higher electricity bills.

  • It Helps You Save Money

As mentioned, high humidity levels can bring about many problems, such as structural damage, health issues, and mold and insect infestation. Fixing these can cost you a lot of money. Structural repairs alone can cost you thousands depending on the extent and type of the damage as well as the type of foundation.

If you or any of your family members are experiencing allergy symptoms and other diseases caused by pests or mold exposure, you’ll have to spend money on medications. Not to mention you’ll also have to hire experts to remove all pests, insects, or molds in your home. 

To avoid all these unwanted expenses, prevent mold growth and pest and insect infestation from happening in the first place. As stated above, one of the best ways you can do this is to install a dehumidifier in crawl space after encapsulating or waterproofing the area.

Reach Out to Your Trusted Waterproofing Company Now!

If you’re looking for a company that offers quality dehumidifiers, get in touch with your waterproofing contractors. Most of them don’t only offer insulation, encapsulation, and waterproofing services. They also provide equipment that takes moisture out of the air in your home. They can even install it for you to ensure it is properly set up. Contact your trusted waterproofing company for an appointment!

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