What are the Benefits of Different Types of Condoms?

Most of you won't be surprised to learn that no condom can be fitted to every man in the world. The right condom is crucial for every individual because we all differ mentally and physiologically. The wide variety of condoms available on the market means you don't have to limit yourself to one type. Try a range to find what feels best to you - both in a safety-conscious manner and an enjoyable one.

There are ribbed and dotted condoms as well as textured condoms in the market, which can make it incredibly difficult to navigate the market. To help you pick the right one, NottyBoy has put together a helpful guide.

What are ribbed condoms?

Ribbed condoms are extremely popular because of their raised ridges that have been strategically placed around them to enhance sensual attraction. It is designed to satisfy those of us who have trouble feeling anything when wearing standard condoms.

Both partners can feel friction and enjoy the experience more using a ribbed one.

What is a dotted condom?

A dotted condom has raised dots on the outside to increase pleasure. Because they cause friction between the men and the woman, they increase enjoyment both for the woman and for the man.

Why use a textured condom?

It is intended to enhance your sensual pleasure and intimacy for better confidence in your sensual intimacy through the use of textured condoms. You might add some much-needed spice to your bedroom if you're in a long-term relationship by experimenting with different types and textures of products. Contoured condoms add extra pleasure by having textured surfaces.

However, it is essential to note that textured condoms can provide extra stimulation, which intensifies pleasure. Additionally, textured condoms can be more effective at preventing STI spread.

Condoms with ribs and dots can be great for increasing stimulation but may be too stimulating for some people.

What are NottyBoy Extra Lubricated Condoms and what are the benefits?

NottyBoy Extra lubricated condoms are designed to provide additional lubrication beyond what is typically found on regular condoms. The benefits of extra lubrication may include:

Increased Comfort: The additional lubrication can enhance comfort during sensual activity, reducing friction and potential discomfort.

Enhanced Pleasure: Some individuals find that the extra lubrication can contribute to a more pleasurable experience during intercourse.

Reduced Friction: Adequate lubrication helps to reduce friction and may decrease the likelihood of condom breakage.

Safe for Certain Activities: Extra lubricated condoms may be particularly useful for certain sensual activities where additional lubrication is desired.


Choosing the right condom involves considering personal preferences and sensitivities. Ribbed, dotted, and textured options can enhance pleasure, but individuals should be mindful of potential overstimulation. Extra-lubricated condoms, like NottyBoy, offer added comfort and may be suitable for those seeking enhanced lubrication. Communication and experimentation are key to finding the right fit for a satisfying sensual experience.


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