What are some interesting facts you should know ?

1. Astronauts cannot burp/belch in space.

(Burp = Belch / A reflex that expels gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth)

This is purely linked with gravitational force we experience on the earth.

 In space there is no gravitational force, so there would be no burps or belches.

 To understand this, we have to first know what happens inside our stomach after taking food.

In our digestive system food, liquids as well as solids, tends to go down to the bottom due to pulling of gravity on earth.

 This causes the gases in the stomach to stay up top. When it is further forced, the burp comes out as a sound through our mouth.

This can’t be done in space because of the absence of gravity.


 In space, the air, food, and liquids in the stomach float together like bubbly lumps

2. Jupiter is twice the size of all the other planets put together.

 In fact, the mass of the Jupiter is two-and-half times greater than the mass of all the other planets combined. 

The reason could be analyzed, as most of the mass left over was acquired by Jupiter after the formation of the Sun billions of years ago. 

 Because of this reason, raining of diamonds happen on Jupiter as per researches. 
Surprisingly, the results show that Jupiter has the capability to create 1000 tonnes of diamonds a year.


Jupiter is made of hydrogen and helium, which are present in stars. So Jupiter is called a failed star.

3. The brain of a child malnourished in the womb and in infancy may be 60 percent smaller than that of a normal child.

Nutrition plays a vital role in the development of the brain and the central nervous system and influences both on the fetus and neonate (newborn). 

The fact is that many of the malnutrition effects of prenatal (before birth) may remain permanent.
The proportions of a developing fetus change dramatically as it grows. The size of its head at the ninth week of development is almost one half of the total length of its body; an adult’s, in comparison, is only about one-eighth the total length of its body.


4. Can hailstones kill people?

 Yes, if their size and weight are more than they become lethal and kill people in spite of damaging property, crop, etc.


The heaviest hailstones on record weighed up to 1 kg and are reported to have killed 92 people in the Gopalganj area of Bangladesh on April 14, 1986.

The deadliest hail storm with hailstones of the size as large as cricket balls in Moradabad, India in 1888 took the lives of about 246 people. This is the worst hailstorm in the history.

The size of the largest hailstones was about 20 cm (8 inches) across and was recorded in Vivian, South Dakota, USA, in the month of July 2010.

5. The largest library in the world.

The United States Library of Congress contains more than 86 million items.

It is the largest library in the world with millions of books, newspapers, manuscripts, photographs, recordings, and many other collections.

 It is the oldest federal cultured research institution.

 It is the de facto national library of America.

 Two copies of all copyrighted books, illustrations, and others printed in the United States are preserved in the library.

 The library has three buildings in Washington, D.C. and a conservation center in Culpeper, Virginia.

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About Author

I am master’s degree holder with distinction in English literature. My interests lies in writing, reading, painting, travelling, parenting and cooking. I am happily married with three kids.