What Are Some Android Application Developer Tools?

Android Studio

Android development environment based on IntelliJ IDEA, was released by Google 2013 I/O conference, similar to Eclipse ADT. But now updated to version 1.3 (as of August 2015), and supports NDK development; gradually replacing the previously used Eclipse ADT as a new one Android development tools, no matter whether you are a trainee or a great god, it is recommended to transfer all to the new IDE.

Eclipse ADT

Eclipse is no stranger to Java development, and even once became synonymous with Java. Now it will gradually withdraw from the Android development stage. Google announced that it would stop all support for Eclipse ADT development tools before the end of 2015. It is recommended that developers turn to Android Studio. For those who have not yet turned to Android Studio, they have to face this problem now. The reason is that Google has announced the termination of the development and support of Eclipse Android tools, which also means The works include ADT plug-ins, Ant build system, DDMS, Traceview, and a series of other performance and monitoring tools.

IntelliJ IDEA

Some developers have developed Android based on this before. With the stability and popularity of Android Studio, and the latter is formed based on the former, there is no need to switch to this.


Genymotion is a complete set of tools that provides an Android virtual atmosphere. Because it is faster than the built-in emulator, it is liked by designers.


Gradle is a reliance management tool based on the Groovy language and is concerned with Java applications. It deserts all kinds of awkward formations based on XML and replaces it with a core domain-specific (DSL) language based on Groovy. It supports the existing Maven or Ivy warehouse infrastructure and has the potential to replace Maven.


Maven is an open-source project organization tool written in unadulterated Java. Maven uses a concept called the project object model (POM) to manage projects. All project formation information is defined in a file called POM.xml. Through this file, Maven can manage the entire life cycle of the project, including compiling, building, testing, publishing, reporting, etc. At present, most missions under Apache have been managed by Maven. Maven itself also supports a diversity of plug-ins, which can help more elastic control of the project.


A sub-project in the JAKARTA directory of the Apache Software Foundation belongs to the same Java build tool as the previous two. Early projects used a lot of it, but Maven and Gradle gradually replaced it.

AndroidAsset Studio

Android Asset Studio includes Online icon generation tools, Launcher icons, Action bar icons, Notification icons, Device-framed screenshots, Simple nine-patches, Generic icons, Android Action Bar Style Generator, Android Holo Colors Generator.

Android Drawable Factory

It is a tool to generate images of the required size for Android applications.


Generate icons online: including iPhone, Android, IOS, Facebook, web touch icons, Blackberry, Windows Phone, Bada, and WebOS app icons and splash/default images.

Android Layout Binder

An online layout control binding tool that can generate initialized java code corresponding to the XML code you give.

Android-Content Provider-Generator

It is a small tool to generate ContentProvider.

Android Button Maker

A tool for the online generation of Android application button codes. The geometric shapes defined in the XML file include colors, borders, and gradients.

Android Kick Starter

You can quickly generate an Android project online according to your configuration.


It is an Android visual interface designer based on Java Swing, which can be used to generate complex Android Layout XML files.

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