What are Easy Article Writing Tips?

Whether you are new to your online business or a seasoned pro, writing and distributing articles is one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to drive a lot of targeted traffic to your site. Writing articles and submitting them to article directories will get you free traffic when people click on the link in your resource box. It's also a great way to improve your search engine rankings because you'll have tons of inbound links to your site. Let's see how you can start writing articles. Here are some tips to get you started.

Write a list of the top ten:

An easy way to start an article is to create a Top Ten list. Find a topic related to your business and jot down ten reasons why someone should buy your product or offer advice on a topic related to your website. Examples might be the ten best ways to get your baby to sleep through the night, ten reasons to write articles, or ten reasons to buy car insurance. Once you have your list of ten items, write a short paragraph about each and explain why in a little more detail.

Next, you add an introductory paragraph that draws readers into your list. For example, an introductory article about a baby sleeping through the night might mention how hard it is to get through the day and how sleep-deprived you are until your baby sleeps through the night. Then close your article by either summarizing what you've just told them in your top ten lists or encouraging them to act on what you've just told them.

Congratulations, you just wrote an article. Of course, you can easily narrow it down to a top 5 list. Just write a little more about each of your points.

Upload your article:

Some people prefer to record themselves talking about a certain topic and then transcribe and edit it into an article. If you find it easier to talk about a certain topic than to write about it, this may be a great choice for you. Most MP3 players now come with a recording option, or you can pick up a cheap tape deck. Pick a topic and start talking as if you were explaining it to a friend. Just start chattering and the ideas will start flowing. Now listen to your tape. Write down and organize the main points that upset you. Add an introduction and conclusion and you have another article.

Hire a Ghost Writer:

If you're struggling to write articles or just don't have the time, you can still benefit from article marketing by hiring a ghostwriter. Ghost Writers will write unique articles for you that will become your intellectual property. You can publish them as your work on your site, blog, or article directories. You can find ghostwriters on sites like elance. There are also some freelance writers with their websites. You can usually buy articles anywhere from $5 to $65.

Write an outline and ask someone else to turn it into an article:

Another option if you don't want to do all the writing yourself is to write a basic outline of the article and the point you want to make. Write down all the ideas you have for an article and then ask a friend or hire someone to flesh them out for you. You may feel comfortable passing these articles off as your own, as the content of the article was your original idea. Someone else put it into an article format for you.

There's no reason you shouldn't get started with article marketing one way or another. Get a few articles and then sit back and watch the traffic come in. The results you can get from even a handful of articles will impress you so much that you will keep writing and submitting them.

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