what are 21 Good Habits and Manners for Children (Students)

In the article Good Habits, you will know about good habits and manners i.e. Good Manners. We all have a dream to become something. Since childhood, we definitely have some idol whom we want to become like when we grow up. But have you ever wondered why those people were successful?

Because he included good habits and manners in his life from the beginning. Elders have been saying that the feet of the son are visible only in the cradle. This may be true, but it is equally true that the habits and manners adopted in childhood form our character. And decide what our personality will be.

Good Manners post is especially for those children or students who want to build a bright future for themselves and want to create their own identity in the society. People become good because of their good habits and good habits and values ​​have to be inculcated within themselves and adopted.

good habits and manners for children


Think for yourself, why do you like the person you consider to be your idol, the person you say is good? If you use your brain a little, you will come to know that you like him because his habits are good, his behavior is good, he has good manners and he is a successful person and he is respected in the society too.


We said it right, now just think about one thing. That man is successful today and he is respected, but how did all this happen? The simple thing is that he adopted good habits and manners since childhood. These things earned him respect in the society and made him successful. So what we have to say to children or students is that if you also want to be successful then adopt good habits from today itself.

Because habits do not change easily later. And even if habits change, it takes a lot of time to change people's opinion about you. If you all want to taste success in life as soon as possible and want to make your parents proud, then change yourself from now on. Let us now know about some good habits.


Good habits and etiquette -

Let us now tell you about those etiquettes and good habits by adopting which you can definitely create a good character for yourself. This will create your own unique identity in the society. Because every person is identified by his habits. This post of ours is for Good Manners children and especially students.

This is the only time or phase in which we can either spoil our life or create a bright future for ourselves. They say that this is not only our most golden time but it is also a testing time. Many people succeed in this and many remain trapped in the whirlpool of life. Let's start now.

(1) Always obey your parents – In the beginning you people do not understand so much. But those who have grown up understand that whatever their parents told them in their childhood, they said it only for their good. Remember, parents have a higher status than God. You cannot even imagine the sacrifices he makes for you in his life.

Every talk and every decision of your parents is meant to make your life successful and happy. Never make the mistake of misunderstanding them, and do not hurt them. Remember, most of the people who are successful and well-mannered today are those who, even after growing up, remain small in front of their parents. Obeying the orders of your parents will be the first step to success for you.

(2) Eat food on time – This is the age which decides for how long we will remain strong and healthy in future. You must have heard that it is very important to have a strong foundation, otherwise the building can collapse at any time. Therefore, if you want to be successful, you will first have to remain healthy.

Therefore, always eat nutritious food and eat it on time. Remember, the food that your parents give you is only nutritious food. According to them, they work hard only to keep you completely healthy. So whatever food is given to you, eat it happily, on time and thank God.

(3) Time of waking up in the morning and sleeping time in the evening – Now in Good Habits In Hindi, you will know how your habit of sleeping and waking up can affect your future. You can try reading about any successful person. You will definitely get inspiration from his life, and that is to always sleep early at night and wake up early in the morning.

Just follow the rule made by nature that your life can be organized only when you sleep early and wake up early. Never waste your time in useless things at night. Make a habit of sleeping early at night and waking up early in the morning. By doing this you will be able to complete all your tasks very well.

(4) Read every day, set aside time – After good habits and manners, your studies are the only medium which will make you a successful person. Never be careless regarding studies. Your good future will be built on this very thing.

Today, when you ask any illiterate person, he will say that if only he had listened to his parents and studied well at that time, life would not have become such a hell. You would be doing a good job somewhere and living your life comfortably. Don't make this mistake because time never gives a second chance.

Later only regrets remain. Therefore, fix time for your studies and study at that time every day. All we have to say to you is that you must read for at least one and a half hours every day.

(5) Take bath every day, take bath in the morning – many children hesitate to come for bath. But it takes only 5 minutes for children to bathe. And by doing this on time, not only will people call you good but you yourself will always remain clean and healthy. You will feel very good because bathing reduces stress.

You should go to school after taking bath every day. Your mind will always remain happy and your mind calm. This helps you a lot in studies. You are able to study well. These are some important and good habits for students in Hindi which need to be paid attention to.

(6) Keep your belongings in the right place – There are many children who throw their school bag, shoes, tie, belt and dress here and there as soon as they come from school. This is a very bad habit children. By doing this, you not only become bad in front of others but you also have to face problems if you do not get any items while going to school in the morning.

If you also do this, you will become like other spoiled children. Improve this habit of yours, keep all your belongings safely at the right place. Similarly, keep the room where you study also very clean and organized. When everything looks neat and clean, your mind will be focused on studies and you will become a good child in the eyes of others too.

(7) Avoid bad company – Your parents must be telling you not to hang out with that boy or stay with him. You might also feel angry if you say this. But do you know why they say this? He is much wiser than you and he knows that if you stay with him, your future may get spoiled.

So listen to your parents and always stay away from bad company. You get to see many such examples where many children get ruined even after being top in studies. Their future gets spoiled because they have bad company since childhood and then they go astray from their path. Therefore, take special care of this thing.

(8) Behavior in school – When you go to school from home, maintain good behavior with everyone there too. This will work to increase your respect in the society. Always respect your teachers, obey everything they say. Live in harmony with all the children and do not quarrel with anyone.

Speak sweetly to everyone and respect the students of your senior class. In this way, in a very short time you will become everyone's favorite and everyone will speak well about you. Do not damage any school item. Go to school every day and on time.

(9) Wear clean and neat clothes – If you always wear clean and neat clothes, you will find yourself full of self-confidence and others will also like you. Everyone will say that that boy is always clean and neat. You must be aware that no one likes to sit near dirty people. No one even wants to talk to him.

Apart from this, wearing clean clothes will always keep you healthy. Many types of diseases can occur due to dirty clothes. Therefore, always keep this thing in mind, this thing also comes under important Good Habits For Students.

(10) Respect elders – You have to respect elders not only in school but you have to keep this in mind even after coming back from school. You have to respect everyone living around you. Say Namaste or Ram Ram to the elders, or you can seek blessings by touching their feet. There is nothing bad in this, you do not have to feel ashamed.

Don't talk harshly to anyone, don't abuse anyone. Always keep one thing in mind that when you abuse someone, the other person curses your parents. The only thing that comes to his mind is that his parents did not teach him anything. Don't let your parents be insulted.

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