Uncovering the Top Strategies for obtaining a surplus of Paid Views

Uncovering the Top Strategies for obtaining a surplus of Paid Views 


As on this website, we write articles in paid-for articles, and the majority of us are unaware of or are unable to distinguish between Hits and Paid Views. Many people are not making money from paid-for articles because they lack this insight. Please read the entire post to learn how to gain Paid Views in paid-for articles.

I will explain how to acquire more Paid Views and fewer hits in this article, so please read the entire article, as it provides a lot of information for people who aren't receiving Paid Views. We must understand the distinction between Hits and Paid Views.


Within our commissioned compositions, we shall delve into the realm of features and their accompanying perks. 

  • Commencing with an exploration of hits, 
  • followed by an in-depth analysis of paid views. 
  • Lastly, uncovering the strategies for obtaining a surplus of paid views. 

Exploration of Hits:

The article will be reviewed as soon as it is submitted, and once approved, it will be published on the website. If the reader hits the article, and it does not include any valuable information, the reader closes the article without reading anything; this is considered a Hit. 

Analysis of Paid Views:

If, on the other hand, the post offers some important information and the viewer reads the entire piece, it will be counted as Paid Views. This is a huge accomplishment for every article writer, and everyone is hoping for additional Paid Views. In the following phase, we'll talk about how to earn more Paid Views. 

Strategies for obtaining a surplus of Paid Views:

Everyone understands that we produce articles and that once they are approved, we receive Hits and Paid Views. However, many people are unaware that we should receive Paid Views rather than hits in order to earn money from paid articles.

I'll break it down into eight stages for you to follow: 

Point 1: Crafting an Eye-Catching Title 

To capture the reader's imagination, aim for a compelling title consisting of 7 to 10 words that evoke curiosity and intrigue. 

Point 2: Category Selection for Increased Views 

Choosing the right content category plays a pivotal role in maximizing paid views, so take the time to select the most suitable one. 

Point 3: Summarize with Specificity 

Craft a concise summary of your article, spanning three to four lines, packed with specific details that entice readers to dive into your content. 

Point 4: Striking the Word Count Balance 

For an optimal article, aim for at least 550 words to provide comprehensive coverage, but never go below the minimum word count of 500. 

Point 5: Proper Formatting for Aesthetic Appeal 

Adopt the correct formatting to enhance readability – utilize "Heading 2" with a font size of 22, and boldly highlight the entire line for added emphasis. 

Point 6: Engaging Readers with Paragraph 14 

Harness the power of paragraph 14, renowned for its excellent flow and neat presentation, to keep readers engaged from start to finish. 

Point 7: Thumbnail Brilliance in JPG 

Create an informative and captivating thumbnail in JPG format, ensuring it remains under 100 KB in size, and witness an increase in click-through rates. 

Point 8: Composing the Reviewer's Message

Craft a brief and courteous message for the reviewer, incorporating the requested words, to demonstrate professionalism and appreciation. 


By mastering the art of acquiring Paid Views over mere Hits, writers can unlock the true potential of their paid-for articles and earn a rewarding income. Implementing these strategies will undoubtedly pave the way for success in the competitive world of content writing. 

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