Truths about exercise that nobody wants to believe

When most of the people waste time in debating on the endless stream of supplements,  "new" workout programs and diet plans,  all you really have to do is just focus on these concepts and you will see results .

1. Commit on long-term

Most people workout with short term goal in mind. 

~The goal is not to lose 40 pounds in 12 weeks but to regain your health for  rest of the life.

~The goal is not to bench press 300 pounds but to be the guy who never misses a workout

What's funny is that when you commit to being consistent over the long-term, you end up seeing results in short term. That's the power of average speed. 

2. Set a schedule for your training

Most people never train consistently because they are always wondering when they are going to train next.

Most people train when they feel motivated and inspired. 

Here's a better idea: stop treating exercise as something to do when it's convenient and start setting a schedule for yourself to follow. This is what makes the difference between professionals and amateurs. 

For example,  I train evey Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 p.m. I don't have to think about when I have to train. I don't sit around and wonder which days I will feel motivated to lift. I don't hope that I will have some extra time to workout today. Instead,  I put it on the schedule and then organize my life and responsibilities around it(just like you would organize your day around your class or your meeting or your kid's baseball game). 

Top performers make mistake just like everyone else. The difference is that they get back on track quicker than most.   Miss your workout for Friday when you are travelling for work? Guess what? Your next training session is already scheduled for Monday at 6 pm.  I will see you there. 

Rest in the next part.


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