Top50 years of unquenched fire burning hell's door!

b bbA participant describes a startling event. The Hell's Gate sinkhole is located in the Karakum desert, 260 km north of Ashgabat.

 The capital of Turkmenistan.  This pit measures 60 metres wide.

 20 metres deep.  In 1971, a number of Soviet

 Geologists discovered the crater.  Throughout their

 The outer layer was broken during excavation, revealing a rich pit.

 The natural gas was exposed.  They set fire to the pit.

 stop natural gas from spreading into the

 atmosphere.  This fire was started with the belief that it

 would be extinguished later.  But history shows that

 Even after five decades, the fire has not occurred.


 The pit eventually became known as the Gates of Hell.  In

 In 2018, Turkmenistan changed its name toDuring their
 excavation, the outer layer was broken and a rich pit
 of natural gas was exposed.  They set fire to the pit
 prevent natural gas from spreading into the
 atmosphere.  This fire was set in the belief that it
 would be extinguished later.  But the history is that
 even after five decades the fire has not happened
 The pit later became famous as the Gates of Hell.  In
 2018, Turkmenistan changed its name to 'Karakum's
 Shobha', but the crater is still known to tourists as the
 Hell's Gate.  Although it is beautiful to see, the
 burning of the 'Darvaza' Hell's Gate is causing destruction to Turkmenistan's natural gas resources
 and the loss of billions of dollars.  Turkmenistan is
 the fourth largest natural gas investor in the world.
 They intend to export large quantities of natural gas
 to countries including India by 2030. In 2010,
 Turkmenistan tried to extinguish this gas and fire-
 filled the crater, but the result was a failure.  Every year
 more than ten thousand tourists come here to see the of Soviet
 Geologists discovered this crater.

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