If you do not find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” –Warren Buffet 

You must have heard this famous saying, right? In today’s time of rising inflation rates and stagnant income, it becomes cardinal for individuals to find some extra source of income generation. And working on any online earning site is one of the most preferred ways among the youth and experienced. The reason why almost every other person is working on enhancing their digital skills and online personal branding is to generate some extra cash. 

If you are a student, housewife or even a working professional who wants to add some extra digits to your monthly income then you should positively work on online earning websites. But then another question arises is which websites are genuine? No worries in this article, you are going to know about the Top 15 trusted online earning sites. So, keep reading till the end.

Why should you have an additional source of income?

It is important for individuals to maintain a side income as it helps diversify your earning capacity and helps us to achieve financial freedom. People can use their side income to spend on things like house repairs, vacations, better quality of education etc. Life can be a bit unpredictable sometimes and having a side income can help you in times of medical emergencies or job loss. Moreover, with a side income you can also start saving up more and retire early to live a quality life afterwards.

How can you Generate Income Online?

Making money online is no child’s play. It requires effort, time, and energy to upgrade your skills to eventually achieve your financial goals. But in case you’re looking to start somewhere; the internet has some wonderful resources.

The internet in itself is a crazy place. It has the solution to almost every modern-day problem. Whether it is learning a craft, selling a product, or educating people over a topic, anything and everything can be found in a single click. Therefore, it might be inferred that there are many ways of generating income online through online earning websites.

Blogging, affiliate marketing, online surveys, freelancing, and podcasting are some examples to mention. You can readily get your hands on these on the online earning site. These are nothing but websites offering you are a chance to earn money through them.

4 Easy Ways to Generate Income Online

Easy Ways to generate side income through online earning site

1. Life Coaching

They say that people are living-libraries. Everyone has their own success formulas and talents which can inspire others in so many different ways. Likewise, websites like LinkedIn and Instagram have live coaches who continuously make videos and talk about how they climbed the ladder of success.

In case, you are good at motivating others and if you think that your story can guide them to lead a better life, then you too can become a life coach. The main job of a life coach is to offer advice and guidance to direct you on the right path by influencing your mindset and cultivating confidence in yourself.

2. Freelancing

If you already have a job but still want to start a side hustle then freelancing is your go-to option. It is a very broad term that summarizes all kinds of internet jobs including video making, photography, completing online assignments, etc. You are paid for doing literally anything once you find the right client.

Also, read: How to Become a Freelancer from Scratch?

3. Entrepreneurship

This is the era of start-ups. If you have an idea that can simplify the way people live then you can put it out there and earn money from it. Accordingly, the first step to entrepreneurship is making your own website and networking with like-minded people. You also can take the help of another online earning site to get started.

Also, read: Entrepreneurship in India–Complete History, Evolution and Transformation

4. Offer Online Courses

Online courses can be sold on an online earning site and are a good source of income for people who can create them. Therefore, if you have a thing for teaching or mentoring then all you need to do is make a course for your subject of interest and then sell it online. It is one of the best ways to get you a passive income.

How Does Online Earning Site Work? 

There are several online earning websites like Meesho, Upwork, Zerodha, Amazon etc, which one can use to earn online money. All these websites are unique in their ways, and help the users in earning online money, some by providing services, and others by providing products. And because of their unique selling points, all the websites are popular among people as a good method to make online money. 

However, what is common in all these money earning websites is their functioning, it means their user interface and policies might differ but, in the end, they are helping people in earning money through various ways, like. 


  • Online earning site act as meditators between the seller of products or services and the buyer of that product and services. 
  • One can list their services (editing, content writing etc.) or products (online courses, e-books) on these websites and upon verification can sell them. 
  • These websites promote the listed products and services through in-app ads and based user reviews. 
  • The payments between the seller and buyers are settled through these websites. And one can earn good profits in terms of credit points, cash and coupons.  

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i am a student