Top Vanuatu Passport Visa-Free Countries You Can Visit


A splendid country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, the Republic of Vanuatu spans 83 islands in the New Hebrides archipelago.   

The beautiful country of Vanuatu boasts picturesque natural beauty consisting of serene landscapes, bustling cities, and cultural heritage sites.  

According to the latest data, the Vanuatu passport ranks 119th in the world. Therefore, if you have a Vanuatu passport, you can access numerous countries without the hassle of a visa. 

 From Hong Kong, with its mesmerizing skylines, to Singapore, famous for its lush green spaces, these countries and more are within your reach with a Vanuatu passport.   

Where will your next adventure take you? Let’s find out. 

1. Hong Kong 

Hong Kong is an amazing blend of East and West. This city has so much to offer, from lush parks to vibrant street markets to towering skyscrapers. 

Hong Kong is one of the Vanuatu passport visa free countrieswhich can be accessed for 90 days. Explore the bustling streets of Mong Kok. Enjoy a scenic tram ride up to Victoria Peak for stunning city views. Have fun eating delicious dim sum at a local teahouse. 

2. Singapore 

Singapore, renowned for its cleanliness and green spaces, is a modern marvel. Some of the must-see attractions include Gardens by the Bay and Marina Bay Sands. Vanuatu passport holders can explore this beautiful country visa-free for 30 days 

Have fun shopping at Orchard Road and relish the street food at Hawker Centers. Don’t forget to visit Sentosa Island for some fun and relaxation time.  

3. Malaysia 

Malaysia is a melting pot of cultures with rich traditions and diverse landscapes. Kuala Lumpur’s Petronas Towers and the historic city of Malacca are key highlights of this country. 

You can travel visa-free to Malaysia for 30 days. Explore the beaches of Langkawi and the rainforests of Borneo. Taste the unique cuisine of Malaysia, from satay to nasi lemak. 

4. Russia 

For Vanuatu passport holders, Russia can be explored visa-free for up to 90 days. It is a vast country with stunning architecture and deep history. The Red Square in Moscow and the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg are iconic. 

Discover the beautiful Russian countryside and the charm of its village. Experience the cultural richness of cities like Vladivostok and Kazan. 

5. Philippines 

This tropical paradise can be explored visa-free with Vanuatu passport for 30 days. The Philippines is an archipelago which boats stunning beaches and lively cities. 

Enjoy the warm hospitality and vibrant festive spirit of Filipino culture. Explore the crystal-clear waters of Palawan or marvel at Bohol’s unique Chocolate Hills. 

6. Fiji 

Fiji, with its natural beauty, makes it a must-visit destination for Vanuatu passport holders. People with Vanuatu passport can visit this paradise for up to 4 months. The island of Fiji offers turquoise waters and lush greenery. 

The underwater world here is a diver’s dream. Beyond the beaches, explore the rich Fijian culture. Visit local villages to experience traditional ceremonies and warm hospitality.  

7. Bahamas 

Bahamas is a dream destination for Vanuatu passport holders with visa-free access for up to 90 days. Discover this Caribbean paradise without hassle. 

The Bahamas is an archipelago of over 700 islands. Adventure seekers can explore the blue holes of Andros or explore the vibrant coral reefs teeming with marine life. Visit the historic forts in Nassau or dance to the rhythmic beats of Junkanoo.   

8. Panama 

Panama is a vibrant gateway between North and South America. With visa-free access for 180 days for Vanuatu passport holders, enjoy the diverse attractions offered by Panama.  

The Panama Canal, a marvel of engineering, offers an awe-inspiring experience as you watch massive ships navigate its locks. The rainforests of the Darien National Park are home to unique wildlife and indigenous communities.  

Savor local delicacies like sancocho and ceviche and have fun dancing to the lively rhythms of salsa and reggaeton. 

9. Mauritius 

Imagine lounging on the pristine sands, where crystal-clear waters invite you for a swim. Well, you can make it real by visiting the enchanting island of Mauritius.  

And, with Vanuatu passport holders, you get visa-free access for 90 days. Mauritius offers beautiful beaches and vibrant coral reefs. If you are looking for some adventure, the Black River Gorges National Park is perfect. The lush trails and rare wildlife make it a hiker’s dream. 

What sets Mauritius apart is its rich cultural tapestry. The island’s festivals, such as Diwali, Eid, and Chinese New Year, showcase its multicultural harmony. 

10. Saint Kitts and Nevis 

Saint Kitts and Nevis is a charming twin-island nation in the Caribbean which can explored by Vanuatu passport holders visa-free for up to 90 days. The imposing Brimstone Hill Fortress, a UNESCO World Heritage site, offers panoramic views of the island’s lush landscape and azure waters. 

This well-preserved fortress is known as the “Gibraltar of the West Indies” and tells tales of colonial battles and strategic importance. Venture to Nevis, the smaller sister island, where time seems to slow down. 

Here, the Nevis Peak volcano invites hikers to explore its beautiful trails, offering stunning vistas of the surrounding sea and islands. 


The world is your oyster with a Vanuatu passport. There are unlimited travel opportunities waiting to be explored. From Europe to Asia and the Americas to the Pacific, Vanuatu passport offers a diverse range of experiences.  

No matter whether you are looking for an adventurous place or some relaxation time, there’s a destination for you.  

So, what are you waiting for?  

If you have a Vanuatu passport, pack your bags and get started on an unforgettable journey. Fill your passport with unique experiences from around the world. The world is waiting for you with open arms and endless possibilities.   


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