Top Teeth Whitening Tips and Tricks

There are many do-it-yourself teeth whitening tips and tricks out there. Some, like rubbing strawberries on your teeth, are surprisingly effective!

To keep your smile white, limit your intake of foods and drinks that stain (coffee, tea, soda and red wine) and drink through a straw. Also, brush your teeth at least twice a day.

Brush twice a day

Having white teeth is one of the most popular cosmetic goals for people of all ages. There are many ways to achieve a whiter smile, including professional whitening treatments and avoiding foods that stain teeth. However, some simple at-home strategies can also help to brighten and whiten teeth.

Brushing your teeth twice a day can be an effective way to remove stains and keep your teeth clean. It is recommended to brush your teeth for at least two minutes each time. Using a best whitening tips Manhattan NY toothpaste can help to enhance your results. Ideally, you should use a toothbrush with the ADA Seal of Acceptance.

It is also important to brush your tongue regularly to remove food particles and bacteria. Flossing can also help to remove food debris and prevent gum disease. You can also try oil pulling, which involves rinsing the mouth with oil to eliminate bacteria and toxins. Lastly, you can try using baking soda to scrub away stains on your teeth.

Avoid acidic foods

Acidic foods such as tomatoes, salsas and hot sauces can eat away at your enamel which may contribute to tooth decay. To reduce the effect, wash them down with water or add fibrous vegetables and unsweetened cacao nibs to your salad. These crunchy foods promote saliva production, preventing the acid from clinging to your teeth. You can also try rinsing with high-quality coconut oil, which has been shown to remove plaque and whiten teeth. Rinse for two minutes and then drink a glass of water. This will help to protect your enamel and keep your teeth clean until you can come in for professional best whitening tips Manhattan NY at our Platte City dentist.

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