World superpowers, also called global superpowers, are the world’s most powerful nations. Superpowers assume dominant positions on the world stage and are characterized by their ability to exert influence or project power (or aid) on a global scale. The economic, military, and foreign policies of superpowers are watched closely by other countries and can greatly impact the rest of the world. Britannica insightfully defines a superpower as "a state that cannot be ignored on the world stage and without whose cooperation no world problem can be solved."

Countries that are Superpowers in 2022

  1. United States
  2. China
  3. European Union
  4. India
  5. Russia

The term “global superpowers” first appeared after World War II and was applied to the United States and the Soviet Union. The U.S. and the U.S.S.R. dominated world affairs during the Cold War, and neither made a move without considering the reaction of the other (hence Britannica's reference to cooperation). Some experts argue that only the U.S. remained a superpower after the Soviet Union dissolved/downsized to become Russia in the early 1990s. Today, opinions differ as to whether the U.S. remains the only global superpower or whether it is one of a small, select group of superpowers.

The United States


The United States is the one country today whose global superpower status is indisputed. In fact, some experts argue that the U.S. is currently the world's only true superpower. The U.S. is the world’s most dominant military and economic power, with a military budget of US$778 billion for 2020 and a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of US$20.9 trillion. The United States spends more on defense than the next nine highest-spending countries (China, India, Russia, the U.K., Saudi ArabiaGermanyFranceJapan, and South Korea) combined.

The U.S. also has strong economic growth capacity. According to Tufts University political scientist Michael Beckley, long-term economic growth depends upon a country's geography, demography (people), and political institutions, and the United States is better-positions than competing powers in all three categories, being "big (geographically), young, and highly educated" with a healthier government than competing superpowers.

Given its strengths, some experts argue that the United States' greatest vulnerability is possible decay from within, particularly given the current highly divided political climate. An example of this division is the Presidency of Donald Trump, whose actions on immigration, foreign policy, trade, and military strategy were often viewed as less cooperative than those of previous administrations, and garnered significant attention—and often criticism—even from the United States’ closest allies. Some of the most impactful moves made during Trump's tenure included withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, banning citizens of several Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S., leaving the Paris climate accord, and conducting military actions including a January 2020 drone strike on Iran.

Trump's successor, President Joe Biden, has walked back many of Trump's foreign policy changes and decisions. For instance, Biden lifted the "Muslim ban", canceled Trump's planned withdrawal from the World Health Organization, and rejoined the Paris climate accord in 2021.


China is considered to be an emerging superpower or a potential superpower. Some experts argue that China will pass the United States as a global superpower in the coming decades. China’s 2020 GDP was US$14.7 trillion, the second-highest in the world. It is also the most populous country in the world. While China’s defense spending is significantly lower than that of the United States at $252 billion, it is still the second-highest in the world. Additionally, China continues to gain ground on the world stage: increasing its diplomatic reach, rising to become one of the largest contributors to the global economy, and pushing technological advances—especially in artificial intelligence (AI) and green technology.

That said, China must overcome some significant hurdles in its path. Its population is large, but rapidly aging and highly undereducated, with more than 2/3 of its workers lacking a high-school education. The sheer number of Chinese citizens puts a constant strain on the country's resources, and pollution and malnutrition are ongoing concerns. The Chinese government is also often cited as a hindrance to growth due to its deep corruption and willingness to sacrifice economic growth and the personal advancement of its citizens in order to maintain co

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