Top Amazing Home Remedies To Cure Dandruff Naturally

How to Remove Dandruff with Natural Home Remedies| Be Beautiful India | Be  Beautiful India

Causes of Dandruff:

Dandruff is caused when a type of fungus called Malassezia begins to grow on your scalp. However, this results in scalp damage and causes severe dryness. There is another type of dandruff wherein your scalp begins producing more oil and as a result, dandruff appears to be sticky and oily on your hair. Here are some of the major causes of dandruff.

  •  Irregular brushing and hair washing.
  •  Not using shampoo constantly
  •  Stress and any kind of mental illness
  •  Parkinson’s disease

Now that you know the primary causes of dandruff, let us understand how to get rid of it without any medical treatment and by following some simple home remedies.

 Home Remedies to Cure Dandruff:

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1. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV):

 Treating dandruff at home requires a way in which the ingredients must be mixed. Once you have mixed all the ingredients in the right way, you can go about applying it. ACV is said to be one of the best natural remedies to treat severe dandruff. However, there is a prescribed way in which you need to prepare the paste. Here are some easy steps you need to know for preparing apple cider vinegar.

 Preparation of Apple Cider Vinegar:

  •  Add some apple cider vinegar to water (Equal parts) and keep it aside.
  •  After washing your hair, apply the mix to your wet hair.
  •  Gently massage your hair with the mix,
  •  leave to dry for 15 minutes and then rinse it off.

 Note: You can do this every time you take a head shower. Also, keep in mind that you cannot excessively use apple cider vinegar over your hair and this means that do not apply it every day. Once every two days is the best way to use this home remedy for fighting dandruff.

2. Apply Mehndi:

 You can cure dandruff using Mehdi. Mehdi works well on your hair and softens it. Here is how you prepare the Mehdi mix for your hair.

 Preparation of Mehndi:

 Mehdi needs to be prepared the right way, and this mix has a prescribed manner in which it needs to be prepared.

  •  Firstly, mix mehdi with curd and a little bit of lemon juice
  •  Once this is formed as a paste, keep the mixture aside for 8 hours.
  •  After 8 hours you can apply it on your hair,
  •  Let it dry over your hair for two hours, and then you can wash it away.

 Note: Follow the above-listed pointers well, and you will see the difference. Mehdi is natural and this is one simple way that you can get rid of dandruff easily.

3. Coconut Oil with Lemon:

 Coconut oil is said to keep your hair nourished and when this is mixed with a little lemon juice, it can cure dandruff. This is also an easy home remedy to get rid of those tiny flakes that pull your confidence down. Follow these simple tips and get rid of dandruff permanently.

 Preparation of Coconut Oil with Lemon:

 Follow these simple steps and get rid of dandruff quickly:

  •  Firstly, you need to heat 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and mix it equally with some mixture of lemon juice.
  •  Once this is done, you can apply this on your scalp and massage your hair gently with it.
  •  After this is done, leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with some shampoo.

 Note: This is one of the easiest ways to get rid of dandruff on your hair. You need to keep in mind that all the above-listed procedures need to be followed in the prescribed manner.

4. Fenugreek Seeds:

 Fenugreek seeds are used as a preventive cure for dandruff. Also known as methi seeds, this procedure needs to be followed in the right way possible.

 Preparation of Fenugreek Seeds:

 Fenugreek is said to benefit people suffering from low blood sugar and boosts testosterone and also milk production for mothers. Fenugreek has multiple benefits such as regulating cholesterol levels and keeps your appetite in control. Here are some simple tips that you need to keep in mind while preparing fenugreek seed to get rid of dandruff.

  •  Firstly, you need to put some fenugreek seeds in a small bowl of water and let it soak overnight.
  •  Once you wake up in the morning, make sure that you mash the seeds to a paste-like substance. Then add a little lemon juice to the paste and mix it well.
  •  Once this has formed into a paste, apply it onto your scalp and hair and leave it to dry for 30 minutes.
  •  After this is done, you can wash your hair with shampoo and allow your hair to dry.

5. Curd:

 Following a home remedy at home to treat dandruff may be a tough task to do, especially curd makes it very messy. Curd applied to your hair makes it very effective to treat dandruff.

 Preparation of Curd to Cure Dandruff:

 Here are some easy tips of curing dandruff using curd. Here is how you do it.

  •  At first, you need to apply little curd onto your hair, including your scalp.
  •  Let it dry for an hour or so.
  •  Make sure you rinse it off in an hours time with some shampoo.

6. Neem Juice:

 Neem is a very good cure for dandruff and this has been found in most shampoos as one of the main ingredients. The method of using neem juice on your hair doesn’t make it messy like curd being applied to your hair.

 Preparation for Neem Juice:

 Here is how you prepare neem juice mix before applying it to your hair and this will help cure dandruff.

  •  Firstly, you need to crush some neem leaves till it forms a thick paste.
  •  Next, you need to apply this paste onto your scalp and hair and let it dry for a minimum of 10 minutes.
  •  Once this is done, you can wash it away with some water.

7. Orange Peel:

 Orange peel is said to work well as a very good remedy for treating dandruff at home. But you need to keep in mind as for how you need to prepare this mix.

 Preparation of Orange Peel:

 Orange peel is said to contain calcium, magnesium, vitamin A and dietary fibers which are good for your body. However, when it comes to your hair and curing dandruff, orange peel must be made in the following manner and applied to your scalp and hair to get rid of dandruff. Here are tips that you need to follow in order to get rid of dandruff.

  •  Take the orange peel and then squeeze some lemon juice onto it.
  •  Add all of this to a grinder and grind it till it turns into a paste.
  •  Then apply the paste to your scalp and let it dry for 30 minutes
  •  After this is done, you can wash it away with some anti-dandruff shampoo.

 Note: You can follow all the above-listed procedures for at least thrice a week, and this will help you get rid of dandruff at home.

8. Vinegar:

 Vinegar has medicinal properties that can kill the bad fungus and this can be seen as an easy remedy to get rid of dandruff the easy way. This also helps in treating various skin related problems like acne and itchiness in the scalp.

 Preparation of Vinegar:

 Here are some easy steps that you need to keep in mind while preparing vinegar mix to get rid of dandruff.

  •  Firstly, you will need 2 cups of vinegar and 1 cup of water as the major ingredient.
  •  Next, you will have to boil both the cups of vinegar and keep it aside to cool.
  •  Then mix one-eighth cups of water to the vinegar.
  •  Once this is done, you can use this to clean your scalp, and you can rinse it away with shampoo.

 Note: You will have to do this usually in the morning before you apply shampoo in your hair. Vinegar will reduce the dryness and remove the itchiness that you are facing.

9. Egg Yolk:

 Egg yolk contains biotin, which is the major vitamin that treats dandruff. Egg yolks can act as conditioners for your hair that can make it healthier.

 Preparation of Egg Yolk:

 In order to prepare egg yolk, you will have to remove the white layer that surrounds the yolk. Always remember that the yolk is more beneficial than the white layer that surrounds it. Here are some simple steps that you need to follow when you are making egg yolks.

  •  Firstly you need to keep your hair and scalp dry and then apply yolk on your hair.
  •  Once you are done applying the yolk, you will have to cover your hair with a plastic bag for an hour.
  •  Wash your hair gently using shampoo. Sometime you will have to wash your hair twice to remove the bad odor.

 Note: You can follow this treatment for dandruff in the morning while taking a bath or anytime when you take a bath. Always remember that it needs to be followed only thrice a week.

10. Green Tea:

 Green tea contains a lot of antifungal properties, and it is an antioxidant that can restore the health of your scalp. All you need to cure dandruff is by applying some cooled green tea on your scalp, and you can witness the difference.

 Preparation for Green Tea:

 In order to get rid of dandruff, green tea can be used by following these simple steps.

  •  Firstly, you will require 2 green tea bags and some hot water as the major part of your ingredients.
  •  Then you will have to put the green tea bag into the hot water for 20 minutes till the decoction dissolves in it and then allow it to cool.
  •  Once it cools, you can apply the green tea onto your scalp and let it dry for 30 minutes.
  •  After 30 minutes, gently rinse your hair with water.

 Note: This can be followed in the mornings when bathing. This is one of the easiest ways in which you can cure dandruff naturally at home.

11. Olive Oil:

 Olive oil can do a lot of good to your hair. All you need to do is to apply olive oil to your hair and this strengthens your scalp.

 Preparation of Olive Oil:

 Preparing olive requires a prescribed format that needs to be done in order to get rid of dandruff. Here are some easy ways in which you can get rid of dandruff.

  •  Firstly, apply some olive oil on your hair.
  •  After 10 minutes, you can wash your hair gently with shampoo.

 Note: In some cases, you can apply some olive oil before you go to bed. Wrap your head with a towel and let it absorb the remaining oil.

12. Garlic:

 Garlic has a good source of antifungal properties that have the tendency to eliminate certain dangerous microbes that are responsible for causing dandruff.

 Preparation for Garlic:

 Here are some simple tips that you need to keep in your mind while applying garlic paste on your hair.

  •  Initially, you will need a few garlic cloves along with 1 tablespoon of honey.
  •  Once you’ve got all the ingredients ready, make sure that you mix it till it turns into a smooth paste.
  •  Then, apply the paste on your scalp and let it dry for 15 minutes.
  •  Once this is done, make sure you rinse your hair with some shampoo.

 Note: You can use this natural way to get rid of dandruff in the mornings or in the night before you take a shower. Garlic is strong enough to get dandruff off your hair.

 How Dietary Habits Can Reduce Dandruff:

 Simple dietary modifications can play a big role in lessening the appearance of dandruff, thereby reducing the necessity for you to opt for topical medications or home remedies. Some of these include: 

  •  Eating a diet high in sugar content promotes inflammation in the body, which can lead to the appearance of more and more flakes. Cut down on sugar wherever possible, whether be it in your tea, coffee or having less processed foods. Instead, gorge on antioxidant-rich foods such as dark chocolate, strawberry, blueberries, spinach grapes, broccoli and tomatoes. 
  •  Eat a diet rich in seasonal fruits and vegetables for added nutrition and fiber daily. 
  •  Yeast overgrowth sometimes is linked to dandruff production. To cut down on yeast in your system, reduce the consumption of bread and alcohol. 
  •  Incorporate more healthy fats into your diet such as olive oil, avocado, omega-3 fatty acid fish and walnuts which not only reduce dandruff but also promote healthy hair growth. 
  •  B vitamin, biotin and zinc also lessen the production of dandruff. You can either obtain these minerals from foods naturally such as tomatoes, yogurt, carrots and eggs, or you can include them in the form of dietary supplements which are readily available in the market as over the counter medications. 

 How to Cure Dandruff Permanently?

 Getting rid of dandruff can be a burden, however, if you follow these simple steps on a day-to-day basis, you can prevent it from affecting you. Also, these simple steps are applicable to those suffering from the disease.

  •  Use the right shampoo for your hair. Moreover, do not use this in excess.
  •  Always keep your scalp clean. This means that you need to take a head shower every 3 days once.
  •  There are many anti-dandruff shampoos out there in the market that will help you, but make sure you try something that will work milder for you, and this can be made possible only if you try out all and see which one suits you the best.
  •  Use your own comb to brush your hair.
  •  Make sure you take enough of rest before you get yourself working. Lack of sleep creates stress, and this in return causes dandruff.
  •  Make sure you always cover your hair while travelling.
  •  Also, make sure that you use herbal products to cure dandruff. This is because harmful chemicals found in shampoos can also sometimes cause dandruff.

 Note: Do not comb your hair using others’ hairbrushes. Also, make sure you clean your hair once in two days. Regular cleaning of your hair will help prevent dandruff.

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