Top Punjab Public Service Commission PPSC Job 2024

The Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) has introduced several openings via advertisement No.9, encouraging qualified candidates to apply online via the PPSC authentic website.

Available Positions:

  • 13-RH/2024: Corporal (BS-eleven)

Number of Posts:

  • 467 positions, together with 23 reserved for Minorities Quota.

Job Role and Responsibilities:

Corporal (BS-11): As a Corporal, you'll be answerable for keeping law and order, supporting in crime prevention, and assisting higher-ranking officers in numerous law enforcement sports. This position requires field, physical health, and the potential to paintings beneath tough conditions. You may also engage with the community to foster a feel of safety and safety.

Educational Requirement: Bachelor’s diploma or an equivalent qualification from a university diagnosed by using the Higher Education Commission. This guarantees candidates have a strong academic basis to carry out their obligations correctly.

Physical Standards:
For Male: Height five’7” (170.18 cm); Chest 33”-34.5”
For Female: Height five’2” (157.Forty eight cm)
These bodily requirements make sure that applicants own the essential bodily abilities to perform their duties efficiently.

Male: 18 to twenty-five years
Female: 18 to 25 years
The age standards make sure candidates are within the prime in their physical and mental skills, suitable for the demands of the role.

Gender and Domicile:
Gender: Both male and girl candidates are eligible to use.
Domicile: Applicants should have residency in Punjab.

Place of Posting:
Posting Locations: Successful applicants may be posted everywhere within Punjab, making sure flexibility and readiness to serve in numerous places as required.

ApplyforJob Online

About PPSC:

The Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) is a important governmental body tasked with recruiting and accomplishing civil service examinations for multiple departments and ministries inside Punjab. Established to make sure a fair and advantage-based totally selection manner, PPSC upholds the ideas of transparency and equal possibility, appreciably contributing to the effectiveness and integrity of the civil carrier.

For more details and to apply, please go to the professional PPSC internet site PPSC Official Website.

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