Top Homemade Remedies That Actually Work for Your Ails

 Whether you’ve got a runny nose, sore throat, achy tummy, or just feel run down, this is our list of home remedies that could actually help you cure faster and boost your immunity.

 While these concoctions may help you feel better and healthier, if your symptoms don’t improve you should always seek the advice of a medical professional.

 Warm honey and lemon for a sore throat

  A truly tied and tested home cure for a sore throat. Honey is a natural substitute for sugar; its healing properties have been well noted for many years and is effective against many types of bacteria. The golden liquid is used to treat burns, heal wounds, and even aid in the treatment of foot ulcers. And when it comes to coughs and colds, it may ease that sickly throat of yours.

 Its companion, lemon, is packed with vitamin C and can lead to the reduction of diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and kidney stones. Besides, this antioxidant vitamin helps to keep your immune system healthy, so when combined, these two natural wonders are both excellent for your health and your cold.

 Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potentials

 Brightly colored, flavorful, and healthy too? This sunshine spice could be no other than turmeric. Adding this spice to your next meal or creating a tasty milky drink could have significant benefits to your health. But what are they?

 Turmeric is said to have anti-inflammatory properties; studies show that the spice can reduce inflammation, pain, and stiffness related to arthritis when taken regularly. In addition, it is also said to have antioxidant properties, helping to clean out the body’s system and may be effective in aiding the treatment of certain types of cancer. Although more research is required to prove or disprove this with any certainty.

 In any case, turmeric is a beneficial addition to almost any diet; however, those with an easily upset stomach, those on blood thinners, or ladies in later stages of pregnancy may wish to regulate the amount they ingest to avoid side effects.

 Aloe Vera for burns

 A simple, unassuming and easily grown plant, aloe vera has been used in households for years as one of those timeless old-fashioned remedies for treating burns and a number of other maladies. In the last 30 years, its antioxidant and antibacterial properties seem to have been proven by the modern medical world as a healer for burns. In fact, the aloe vera market itself was even estimated at $507 million (USD) in 2017, meaning this is no old wife’s tale.

 Aside from healing burns, aloe vera is said to reduce dental plaque as much as a regular mouthwash, reduce constipation (under medical supervision only), and improve skin when used as a cream.

 Rosehip for colds and boosting immunity

  Who said roses were just for Valentine’s Day? By mid-winter, you might be seeking a boost to your immune system, and that’s where the other part of the rose, rosehip, might be just the ticket. Packed with vitamin C, rosehip can serve as a tasty supplement in many forms – in tea, as a jam, in soup, etc. – giving your body an immune-boost.

 Research also shows that the floral solution might be effective against osteoarthritis pain. It’s also used for many other conditions, such as obesity, stretch marks, diarrhea, stomach irritations, although there is insufficient evidence to prove or disprove its effectiveness.

 Stinging nettle’s health increasing effects

 The garden menace, stinging nettle has long been thought of as a weed and a plague on a beautiful lawn. But, if we are to believe our elders, there is some sweetness beyond the pain.

 Nettles have long been brewed into teas or eaten as soups with supposed health benefits. High in nutrients, nettles contain vitamins (A, C, K and several of the Bs), minerals, fats, amino acids, polyphenols, and pigments meaning they are pretty packed.

 Aside from providing an overall boost to the body, nettles have also been suggested to be helpful to an enlarged prostate, allergies, and diabetes.

 Prunes for constipation

 If you’ve ever had troubles on the bathroom, it’s likely you’ve had prunes, or their juice, suggested to you to relieve you of your suffering. And the results show that this one is true. Prunes are packed with healthy nutrients – iron, potassium, sugars, boron, and phenolic compounds – which not only help you go when you need to but may also be an aid in preventing colon cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes.

 Lavender to improve sleep and relaxation

 Lavender, a calming scent and beautiful flower, but can it really help you get some shut-eye? The flower has been known to decrease heart rate and blood pressure, giving an overall relaxation feeling that helps you drift off and have a more fulfilling night’s kip.

 Other supposed side effects include a reduction in premenstrual tension (PMT) symptoms, reduced anxiety, and even the promotion of hair growth.

 Beauty boosters

 Sometimes you need a little boost on the outside too, discover which household remedies you can use for your body woes.

 Baking soda for whiter teeth

 A typical household product, probably hiding away at the back of your kitchen cupboard. Baking soda is also included in many whitening toothpaste recipes for everyday use. However, for some people with hard to shift stains, this might not be enough.

 Adding a little extra soda to your toothpaste could prove to be an effective way to get rid of those problematic stains, but be careful not to overdo it, frequent use can lead to enamel erosion. So, use in moderation.

 Oats for skin ailments

 The best way to start your day. Not only do oats make for a tasty, filling breakfast, they can also help solve your dermatology issues too. If you’ve ever suffered from psoriasis, an unknown rash, eczema, or another skin condition, your doctor may have told you to bathe with soaked oats.

 But why? These little oatty wonders are filled with carbs and proteins can cover the skin adding a layer of protection that allows it to stay moisturized while not adding additional irrigation, as oil-based products do.

 You can also try oat-based masks to increase skin moisture and promote a healthy pH level, leaving you with a lovely glow.

 Coffee scrub for cellulite

 For 80-90% of women, cellulite is a reality, and although it is prevalent, there is very little that can be done about it as it relates to the layout of subdermal fat and tissue. That said, many women find that diet, exercise, and a series of creams and scrubs help to reduce its appearance.

 Say hello to the coffee scrub. This homemade or store-bought mixture works by exfoliating the skin. The caffeine in the potion dilates the blood vessels and encourages the skin to tighten, giving a smoother look. Follow a scrub up with a natural moisturizer, and your skin will look better than ever, although cellulite might never fully disappear.

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