Top Discover All-On-4 Dental Implant Just For You

All-on-4 dental implants are considered a unique treatment procedure that involves replacing missing teeth in a single jaw by using dental implants. All-on-4 dental implants in Eminence restore your missing teeth and give you a dazzling smile. This treatment suits patients looking for quick results and lasting solutions to their missing teeth. This procedure is also suitable for those patients who have lost almost several or all of their teeth and want a permanent dental replacement solution without opting for dentures or individual implants for each missing tooth.  

Let's explore more about all-on-4 dental implants: 


  • Limited treatment time

  • A minimal number of dentist visits is required

  • A marginal requirement of surgical procedure 

  • Solidify fixed prosthetic solution

  • Speedy healing and recovery 

  • Low maintenance of built-in implants 

  • Natural-looking teeth  

  • Feel more confident laughing without worrying about your dentures slipping or causing discomfort.

Key differentiating factors concerning traditional implants:

  • While traditional implants use 5 to 8 implants, this idiosyncratic treatment uses only four implants.

  •  Traditional implant mechanisms usually resort to elaborate bone grafting, which prolongs the treatment period by nearly one year.  

  • The All-on-4 dental implant treatment is a streamlined and cost-effective alternative to traditional dental implant procedures, reducing discomfort for patients requiring multiple surgeries.

Ideal candidates for all-on-4 dental implants: If you currently wear dentures, have missing teeth, or have weak teeth, you may need to replace your entire set. The all-on-4 dental implant technique can be a good option for you. However, if you don't have enough bone density in your jaw, a zygoma implant may be recommended instead. Your dentist will carefully review your CBCT scan report and determine the most suitable option for your case.

How do the teeth look after treatment?

You will be surprised to know that after all-on-4 dental implant treatment, artificial teeth provide the same look, feel, and functionality as natural teeth.

The implants are connected to the teeth and firmly secured; dentists remove both when necessary.

How is the treatment conducted, and how long is it?

You must be aware that all -on-4 dental implants are implemented under local anesthesia. The total time treatment takes to culminate successfully is about three to four days, after which you arrive home with a full, confident, and toothy smile.  

Are there any complications with treatment?

After post-operative care, the complexities of all-on-4 include sinusitis and oroantral fistula. All these complications can be suitably avoided by following suitable diagnostic and surgical methods. Treatment for various medical conditions can sometimes lead to complications. These complications may arise from adverse reactions to medications, surgical procedures, or other interventions. Common complications include infections, side effects, allergic reactions, and treatment failure. It's crucial for healthcare providers to carefully monitor patients and manage these complications to ensure the best possible outcomes while minimizing the risks associated with treatment.

In conclusion, an All-on-4 dental implant is an advanced technique that provides immediate functional benefits compared to other full jaw implant options. Emergency dentists in Eminence can put an end to pain, and if the tooth is in bad condition, they can prevent it from getting worse. Patients are fitted with fixed teeth during the same stage after the implant post-surgery.

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