Top debates.

Naturally some of us are more competitive than others, but most of us have a good level of competition imposed on us. If you think you are not competing at all, ask yourself: have you ever felt desirable, jealous or envious when you look at another person's accomplishments or lifestyle? If you say yes, you are competing otherwise you would not care what others have.


Now before I offend anyone let me make it clear that I am not equating a healthy desire or competing with vulgar jealousy. There is a fine line between unhealthy jealousy and a competitive spirit that pushes into action that is similar to what another person does. Let's break this down into an example:


First we have Joe, a normal young man who struggles to pay off his debts each month. One night as he was watching TV on Apprentice, he saw Donald Trump and began to think to himself: “I wish I had what he had. It is not right for him to be born with a silver spoon in his mouth while I am in constant danger of losing my home. ”


Across town we have Mary, another person who can keep up with debt every month. He also listens to the above-mentioned television program, and he has the same thoughts, although he has a different opinion: “I wish I had what he had. In fact, I will enroll in a real estate program and study business so that in recent years I can match his success. "


In the examples above, both would like to discover Trump’s status and wealth, but only one has a realistic picture of improving his lifestyle. Joe develops a fondness for envy, a vicious and self-destructive attitude that leads him to justify the rich over the poor and the poorest of the poor. In his eyes, life is not good, and there is nothing he can do about it.


Mary, on the other hand, realizes that Trump is an experienced businessman who has made a fortune on real estate. True, he may have had a beginning with the buildings his father acquired, but anyone with enough determination and foresight could read the real estate market and take his own piece of pie. He accepted his competitive spirit demanding what Trump has and will do his best to support his claim.


The above examples are very exaggerated and really absurd for most of us as we would like you to be a billionaire, not just on the cards. But that does not mean that we will never be rich and even reach the point of becoming a millionaire if that is our goal that requires a lot of hard work, determination and a healthy sense of competition.


Most of us would like to have something that someone else has, and although religion and society have trained us to reject it, it is not inherently bad. If you allow your desires to turn into jealousy and envy then yes, you are walking a painful and hurtful path, but if you instead turn your desires into a sincere strategy to match their success it means you are embracing your competitive spirit.


So achieve your goals. Accept and nurture your inner competitive spirit to step out and direct your daily actions. Competition is a good incentive, and few of the world's "top" entrepreneurs and individuals could achieve their goals and achievements without a strong competitive spirit.



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SYEDA ANMOL ZAHRA - Dec 10, 2021, 11:53 AM - Add Reply

It's a great article that will help u out to achieve your achievements and goals. Kindly do read it and let me know how helpful this article is...

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