Honey is often used as a food and medicine. It is especially healthy when used as a sugar substitute. Here are the top 10 health benefits of honey.

1. Honey contains nutrients beneficial to health

Honey is a sweet liquid made from the nectar of flowers, collected and produced by the specific process of bees. The taste and color of honey depends on the type of flower from which they have collected the honey.
Nutritionally, one tablespoon of honey (21 grams) contains 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar (including fructiose, glucose, maltose and sucrose). In the composition almost does not contain fiber, fat and protein. It also contains less than 1% of the daily amount of vitamins and minerals the body needs.
Light colored honeys contain large amounts of bioactive plant compounds and antioxidants. These substances also account for a higher proportion of darker honeys.

2. Raw honey is rich in antioxidants

Raw honey contains many important antioxidants such as organic acids and phenolic compounds (flavonoids, ...). The combination of these compounds gives honey its antioxidant power.
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Buckwheat honey has been shown to increase the blood oxygenation index, an antioxidant that has been linked to a reduced risk of heart attack, stroke and certain types of cancer. It also helps maintain healthy eyes.

3. Using honey to replace table sugar helps improve diabetes

Honey has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications in people with type 2 diabetes. It can lower bad LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, inflammation, and raise good HDL cholesterol. However, honey also raises blood sugar but to a lesser extent than table sugar.
Although honey does not affect blood sugar as much as table sugar, it still needs to be used with caution in people with type 2 diabetes. In fact, to minimize the condition, people with diabetes Diabetics should limit carb-rich foods.
Note, there are still honey products mixed with regular syrup on the market. Although it is labeled as honey, it is high in sugar and does not have the full nutritional components of pure honey.

4. The antioxidants in honey help lower blood pressure

Honey contains antioxidant compounds, which have the effect of lowering blood pressure. Studies in both rats and humans have shown that honey can modestly lower blood pressure.
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5. Honey helps improve cholesterol

High levels of LDL cholesterol are a major factor in increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is the main cause of atherosclerosis, fatty deposits in the arteries that can cause heart attacks and strokes.
Honey has been shown to improve cholesterol levels by lowering total LDL cholesterol and significantly increasing HDL cholesterol. One study in 55 patients compared honey to table sugar and found that honey reduced LDL by 5.8%, increased HDL cholesterol by 3.3%, and resulted in mild weight loss by 1.3%.

6. Honey helps reduce triglyceride levels

Elevated blood triglycerides are another risk factor for cardiovascular disease. It's also been linked to insulin resistance, a major cause of type 2 diabetes. Triglyceride levels tend to rise on diets high in sugar and refined carbs.
Eating honey regularly, especially as a sugar substitute, can lower triglyceride levels. One study comparing the triglyceride levels in honey and sugar found that the triglyceride levels in honey were 11-19% lower than in table

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