Top 8 ways to balance blood sugar levels naturally

Natural ways of controlling sugars


Hyperglycemia, or elevated blood sugar levels, is a prevalent chronic illness known as type 2 diabetes mellitus. This condition is caused by insulin resistance combined with a partial lack of insulin. The prevalence of Type 2 diabetes is rising and has reached pandemic levels due to changes in lifestyle, attitudes about living, eating habits, sedentary work, stress, and many other circumstances. Uncontrolled hyperglycemia damages every organ in the body and can lead to chronic, long-term problems with the heart, liver, kidneys, eyes, nerves, and peripheral blood arteries, to mention a few.


​​1.Ill effects of high blood sugar​



To avoid Type 2 diabetes's acute or long-term consequences, blood sugar regulation is crucial. Type 2 diabetes begins as prediabetes, which can be prevented from progressing to frank diabetes. In a similar vein, people with Type 2 diabetes can also effectively manage their blood sugar levels. The root cause of increased blood sugar levels in the majority of type 2 diabetes and prediabetes individuals is insulin resistance.

The diabetes specialist will prescribe the medications for good glucose control based on the stage, severity, and underlying medical conditions of the patient's diabetes. However, there are also natural approaches to maintain blood sugar control that may help lower the need for prescription drugs or aid in maintaining good blood sugar control while taking them, so averting issues or their advancement.

Few natural ways of controlling sugars are


2.Change in lifestyle​



The most significant risk factor for acquiring diabetes or prediabetes is leading a sedentary lifestyle, according to Dr. Vaishali S. Naik, a consultant endocrinologist and diabetologist at Holy Family Hospital. Increasing daily movement, eschewing couch potato lifestyles, and staying active all day long contribute to burning calories and using energy.

​​3.Eating the right food​



Consuming carbohydrates is the main factor contributing to both rising blood sugar levels and changes in sugar levels. A person's carbohydrate intake must be customized; there is no one-size-fits-all amount. Key reminders include limiting your intake of carbohydrates, choosing those with a lower glycemic index, determining which carbohydrates are healthy for you, and the fact that carbohydrates aren't just present in bread and potatoes—they may also be found in dairy products, fruits, vegetables, sweets, and pastries.

Eat more fiber. Dietary fiber aids in reducing blood glucose spikes brought on by consumption of carbohydrates. Additionally, fiber aids with weight control and heart disease prevention. Good sources of dietary fiber include fruits, whole grains, and legumes. Steer clear of heavy meals. Fasting intermittently under a doctor's supervision can be beneficial.

4.Exercising daily​



Being active is essential to good health. It strengthens bones and muscles and helps you stay balanced. reduces tension. enhances insulin sensitivity, aids in weight loss, and all of these contribute to better blood sugar regulation. activity regimens should be tailored to each person's age, blood sugar levels, underlying medical conditions, understanding of hypoglycemia after strenuous activity, and strategies for preventing it. No single workout is appropriate for everyone. However, it is a choice for each person's health.

5.Maintaining hydration



Consuming enough water and staying well-hydrated aids in blood sugar regulation by removing sugar from the body. Patients with kidney or heart illness should visit their specialized physician before deciding how much water to consume. Maintaining adequate hydrated also helps the body eliminate pollutants. It's claimed to support weight loss maintenance.

6.Reducing stress​



Nearly every disease, including diabetes, heart disease, and mental problems, is influenced by stress. Reduction of stress greatly reduces the abrupt fluctuations in blood sugar levels. One can do yoga, meditate, engage in musical instruments, walk, draw, or assist others as stress relievers. Reducing stress is essential for living long, healthy lives.

7.Getting good amount of sleep​



Insufficient sleep disrupts the circadian rhythm of numerous hormones, resulting in stress and chronic illnesses such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Sleeping for seven to eight hours a night is advised to calm the body's organs, muscles, brain, and metabolism as a whole. It is best to get enough sleep in a quiet, dark place. Avert screens and noises when you're trying to fall asleep. Ideally, you should also go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

8.Maintaining ideal body weight​


Sustaining an optimal body weight makes a big difference. Chronic illnesses including diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and cancer are all prevented by it. While not everyone can attain their ideal body weight, maintaining a healthy weight decrease will assist control blood sugar levels. Individualized weight loss or maintenance goals should also be established. Reaching and then maintaining extreme weight loss goals is not feasible nor healthful. Additionally, reducing weight avoids blood sugar spikes and increases insulin sensitivity.

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