Top 7 Tips for Quick Thinking - Learn to Master Timed Exams

Students learn to take exams within a certain time. Still, they fear of not finishing their paper. Sometimes, they also have a nightmare about it. But, there is no other way to get rid of it. Whether taking college assessments or any competitive exams, you have a limited time frame to finish your exam. So, you should learn how to overcome the fear and master timed exams. You can also get online exam help on this matter. So, today, we will focus on certain tips to help you think quickly and finish your exam within the mentioned time.

How to Finish Your Exam on Time?

You must learn time management well from your student life. Now, you can do that the best while taking exams. You may have several tests throughout the year. So, there is one thing constant every time. You must finish your paper on time. This is quite stressful for many students. Many students complain that they can’t answer all the questions due to a lack of time. Thus, they score poorly even after good preparation. Experts say the practice of writing assignments can help you to meet deadlines. Also, students can take global assignment help. Still, the professionals help you to understand the value of time. Here, you will get some information on how to finish exams on time. Thus, you will get the marks you deserve. Read on to know more-

Plan Ahead

Proper planning can help you to overcome every difficult situation. So, you must plan if you have a history of failing to finish your paper on time. Many students find it difficult to answer long, essay-type questions. With proper planning, you can get rid of such problems.

First of all, you must know how many paragraphs you will add to your essay-type question. You must have learnt that in your class. Now, segregate the time you want to give to each paragraph. Experts suggest to have 10 minutes to plan well. Then, you can jump to writing. You must practice it at home. Thus, you will be an expert in finishing your exam on time.

Practice Well

There is no alternative to practice. So, you must practice taking mock exams daily to excel in it. The more you take exams and finish your paper, the better you will be in managing time. Also, proper practice helps you to have command of your subject. Once you know what to write, you won’t spend much time thinking. Also, enough practice helps you to be a pro in handling all types of questions. Many students fight with objective-type questions. On the other hand, many students find long-answered questions difficult. Practice will make you perfect in taking exams with any type of questions. 

Understand Your Challenges

Next, you must understand the type of exam you are taking. Thus, you will know about the challenges you will face. Timed exams are stressful for many students. Also, it has enough pressure on students’ nerves. Therefore, they get too much anxious. However, you can prepare to face the challenges if you understand them. For example, many competitive exams do not just evaluate your knowledge. Those also test your analysis, critical thinking, time management, and problem-solving skills. So, you need to appear for several mock tests to get acquainted with the pattern of such exams. Thus, you won’t get afraid in the exam hall. 

Always Write the Simple Questions First

This is a basic rule that students always get to hear from childhood. Still, many of you often forget it and panic. You must go through your paper quickly and mark the simple questions first. Then, start writing those out quickly. Don’t spend much time on those. Thus, you can get enough time to think about the challenging questions and answer those a bit slowly. Many students think they should finish the complicated ones beforehand. Now, when they stuck they get nervous. Thus, enough time is wasted. So, write the simple questions first and secure a section of marks for you.

Improve Your Writing Skill

This is one of the most important tips for finishing your time exams properly. The more you improve your writing skills, the better you can think quickly in your exam. To do that, you must not avoid doing your assignments. Yes, you can go through the assignment samples. But, you must practice writing every day. Thus, you will get the speed at the exam. Besides, your hand and arm start aching while writing at such speed. That slows you down at the end when you need the maximum speed. Practising writing will enhance the strength of your hand and allow you to finish your exam on time. 

Prepare Well

You can’t do well in an exam without preparation. Again, if your preparation is the best, you can bring all the speed in your hand to finish it. So, preparation is the key to overcoming the fear of timed exams. You must know the pattern of the exam well. Then, you should know how to prepare for it. Competitive exams have different means of preparation. You should understand those well. Also, you can check the past question papers and solve those. Never hesitate to get help from your teachers and tutors. Thus, you won’t have any difficulties finishing your timed exams.

Pay Attention to the Time

Always wear a watch at the exam hall. Thus, you can keep pace with the running time. Keep checking the time after finishing a few questions. Thus, you will understand how much time you are taking, and you can increase your speed accordingly. However, students must be careful here. You should not keep checking the time in between writing. Also, you must not do it after every single answer. Maintain a balance, and you will get enough time for revision. 


So, here you get easy tips on how to finish your timed exams. Online exam help guide you on this matter. Also, these tips will help you prepare for any exam. Don’t get nervous and you will win the race.

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