Top 6 Best Practices for securing nodejs applications

Businesses in modern times are revolutionized with the help of innovative NodeJS development solutions. With the help of Nodejs we can help social media to send instant notification without any delay to keep their users well informed about the live updates in real time basis. Nodejs applications can be integrated with data engineering tools to grasp user information’s, analyze their behavior, understand market fluctuations and enable business owners to make informed data driven business decisions to achieve specific business goals. Securing the Nodejs applications is essential as it keeps the data safe from hackers and network intruders who try to steal the business data. In this article we will understand how NodeJS help us in securing the business applications and explore several NodeJS best practices to secure applications.

Understanding Node.js and Security

NodeJS is a powerful JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to run JavaScript outside browser and reduce the sever execution time. Nodejs support monolithic as well as microservices architecture. Using Node.js we can create API gateways that can manage the API requests from user interface and communicate with specific microservices database. The business logic is implemented in the microservices model. Nodejs comes with powerful monitoring tools, testing applications that can help developers to test, deploy applications to sever with proper version controlling system.

1. Keep Dependencies Updated

Business software needs to be updated from time to time with security patch updates and new types of virus; malware and spyware are detected from time to time. To ensure protection of data from virus attack we can implement NodeJS package manager with our application. This package manager allows us to manage and control several versions of applications. In case there are some errors or bugs in the latest version then rapid development strategies is used for removing the bug instantly and releasing new update.

2. Use Secure Authentication Methods

Nodejs applications have login forms that communicate with the specific microservices database with proper authentication methods. The data is validated and verified using secured authentication method only then access to the account is successful. The sensitive data entered by users on NodeJS web forms is in encrypted format that helps in making the account more secure. We can create a single click sign in with Google or Facebook as well with Node.js.

3. Validate Input Data

Validation of the form is essential as it helps in storing the right data in the database. Some notorious programmers send harmful scripts that can corrupt the database server and disrupt the service altogether. That is why we need to validate the web form efficiently with the help of node.js programming. This restricts and prohibits unauthorized user access to company resources.

4. Implement HTTPS Encryption

HTTPS is a secured hyper text transfer protocol that allows us to make online transactions risk free and secure. The sensitive data of the transactions are stored in encrypted format that is difficult for any hackers to track. This makes the business transaction secure and safe e-commerce businesses uses HTTPS protocol to ensure consumers can make payments online without compromising their data.

5. Avoid Storing Sensitive Data in Code

When we use JavaScript and declare a user name and password without encryption then it becomes easier for anyone to check the script and crack the username and password. However Nodejs developers do not hard code the user name and password in their applications. They keep the application secure with secured login authentication methods.

6. Enable Security Headers

There are several security headers that allow us to make our application safe and secure to use. The digital application can be prevented from many types of attacks like cross site scripting, cross site request forgery, and content security policy. By enabling the security headers we can enhance the security of the applications as per unique security needs of business.


Best ways to find NodeJS web development company UK

We can search for NodeJS web development company uk online on net probably Google, bing, Yandex and find the list of companies providing NodeJS web development services. Checking Google my business profiles of node js web development company is also a good idea as it consists of reviews and rating that help us in analyzing the experience and expertise of the company with work ethics and professional behavior with customers. We can also visit the official website of NodeJS web development companies where we can get complete information about the company like business address, types of NodeJS development services they offer, proven track records of providing customized NodeJS development solutions in the past and many more. It is advisable that we consult with our business partners or friend who has recently taken NodeJS web development services recently. Seeking recommendation from past clients will help us get special attention and NodeJS developer will take keen interest in providing better service to gain or attract more clients with word of mouth.


Securing Nodejs applications is essential for NodeJS developers. The reasons is because risk of data security can be very dangerous for any business and can cause huge financial loss. They even pose reputational damage in the market which leads to loss of trust and customer do not refrain from our services. That is why Nodejs developers must adopt to these NodeJS security best practices to ensure that NodeJS application is fully secured and safe to use. It should be able to prohibit the unauthorized user access and provide access to only validated and verified users only. By doing this we can ensure data remains safe from network intruders or data hackers who try different methods to steal company's sensitive data. Selection of the NodeJS web development company must be done wisely. Choosing the experienced and technically expertise NodeJS Development Company helps us in getting the NodeJS development solutions in cost effective ways in less time. We can seek Nodejs consulting services to analyze the business processes in the firms, find business areas where NodeJS solutions can be utilized for solving complicated business problems.

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