Top 5 Types Of Nightmares

Dreams are a big part of our lives. Even though we rarely remember all of our dreams, we sometimes tend to get scary nightmares that haunt us for days and make us wonder why we had that dream. What's weird is that the nightmares are extremely common. In this article, you'll find the top 5 nightmares of all time. 

1. Dreams where you are naked

Dreams like this start off in a pretty normal way. You're doing your thing. You're probably attending your classes, talking to your friends and all. Suddenly, you realize you're not wearing any clothes. You start to panic. You try to cover yourself but fail. I don't know if you have noticed but the people in this dream don't seem to care if you're naked. But yes, overall the dream is extremely stressful. 

Now from a psychological standpoint, dreams like this signify your vulnerability, your lack of confidence and it signifies that you're not ready to put yourself out in the world yet.

2. Dreams where you are being chased

In dreams like this, we are normally running away from something that carries evil intentions. Atleast in the dream, it seems extremely scary and we feel an intense urge to run away from it as far as possible. Dreams like this sometimes end with the sleeper suddenly waking up with the heart beating super fast. The person might wake up drenched in sweat. Psychologically, dreams like this mostly signify avoidance. Maybe you are avoiding some issues in your waking life which your subconscious mind makes you face while you are asleep.

3. Seeing snakes

One of the most common animals that shows up in the nightmare is the snake. Generally, a snake featured in a dream means that you're dealing with a difficult situation or unsettling emotions in your waking life. It is said that snakes represent both the negative and positive sides of your mind. It actually depends on how you view this particular animal. Generally, people find snakes extremely scary and repellent. But there are also people who genuinely like snakes and find them cute. So, it mostly depends on the mindset. 

4. Middle of an exam in a dream

This has to be one of the most stressful dreams out there. It mostly starts off with you taking the test, but here's the catch: you realize that you didn't study for this test at all or maybe the test is in some foreign language or your pencil keeps breaking during the test. You might also find yourself running out of time. All in all, a very stressful dream. 

Dreams like this suggest that you are underprepared for the challenges in your waking life, or you might be too worried about accomplishing your goal. You are aware that you haven't prepared yourself enough for it and your subconscious mind puts it out there in your dream.

5. Falling

We often have dreams where we're falling down into a bottomless pit. We almost never hit our heads to the ground in the dream. That's because we often wake up before that happens. It is believed that if you end up hitting your head to something in your dream, you will die. It is nothing but a myth. So, don't worry. Falling in a dream often suggests that you are worried about failure in your waking life. It might also imply that you're having trouble controlling a part of your life at that time. Whatever it is, the dream usually ends by thrusting the sleeper out of the bed and the sleeper suddenly wakes up with a racing heart. 

Of course, there are many more types of nightmares out there and each of them signifies different aspects of your mind. It is always fun to try to interpret our dreams. Sometimes our dreams tell us a lot about ourselves and what's rooted deep into our minds. Who knows what you might end up finding out about yourself through your own dream!

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