Top 5 Things Beginner Programmers do Wrong

Since Programming is all about telling Machines What to do and How to do it, it's always a complicated subject since we as a beginner do not know how to go about defining an explicit and accurate description of what we want it to do. In this article I The digital Gremlin will Give you the five most common mistakes that the Beginner programmers make.

1. Not starting

Programming sure looks daunting, but after all, it's just a way of thinking which can be learned—usually, the fear of programming Springs from The lack of KnowledgeKnowledge and the fear of failure.

In these cases, the only thing that can save you is KnowledgeKnowledge ie starting to program. So start before you think you are ready, Else, you will be caught in this vicious cycle of chicken and egg.which will lead you nowhere. Never fear of failure always remind yourselves when you embark on something hard even failing them is more countable than passing the easier tasks.

2. Indulging too much on Basics

When you are starting to Program, usually people tend to indulge in the basic stuff like control structures data types conditionals too much. Yes, These are too important, But also, These are recurring topics, so the more you code, the more you will get familiar with these. So move Away from basics as soon as you can. You can always come back to it later if you miss something here or there, but indulging too much will make it impossible for you to be the greatest you can be. So Move on or Else, you will be coding for months but still will not be able to produce anything significant.

3. Frustration over Failure

When you are a beginner in any field, Things don't quite go the way you like for the first few times, but we as humans get frustrated to see that our effort didn't amount to anything. In such a case, always remember that Your Primary objective is to learn not to do it. So if you make a mistake, you are learning. Don't see achievements in getting it right, But see Achievement in Learning new things Instead. Always take failures as part of learning.

Hanging around in Tutorial purgatory

Never Start learning new skills from the tutorials alone, Always Refer to a book which is considered good in the programming circle. Usually, the youtube tutorials and udemy paid courses are far from what they promise. The Programming Tutorials, unless from very reputable sources, are a representation of What the author has understood and thinks of it, not of the Knowledge of programming itself. Always be smart don't be satisfied by the view from others eyes, Open yours too.

Playing safe in the Comfort zone.

Once you start getting the hang of Programming you should always be moving forward, and Programming is a vast sea of KnowledgeKnowledge You Have to reach pretty far to be able to distinguish yourself from others. Always Remember Your Abilities is Measured By how much You Push yourself. Never let the feeling of safety fool you. 

All beginning Programmers should Just avoid These 5 mistakes and you are already off to a great start and remember always that you can do it Because many just like you Have already done it. And always do it Because you love it. Programming never was and never will be the Nerds only game. It's just a simple thing, A way to command and Control The Beast of computation And All you have to be is the ringmaster so BE ONE.

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I am a Tech nerd with a specialty in programming, cybersecurity and many other low-level stuff. I am also interested in psychology and lifestyle blogging.