Top 5 stories

1. The Egg of Gold

A farmer once owned a goose that produced a golden egg each day. The farmer used to be able to support their family financially on a daily basis by selling the egg. The farmer once considered becoming wealthy if he could find more of these golden eggs and earn a large sum of money. Taking all the golden eggs out of the goose's stomach, the farmer made the decision to cut the bird. Upon killing the bird and opening the goose's stomach, they discovered that there were no eggs within. The naive farmer understood that their last resource had been destroyed due to avarice. 

Moral: Your resource is destroyed 

2. The Wolf and the Shepherd Boy

A local shepherd boy used to walk his flock of sheep through the fields that bordered the forest. He wanted to have some fun because he thought this job was really boring. When the sheep were being grazed one day, he yelled, "Wolf! Wolf! A lamb is being taken by the wolf!" While searching for assistance, farmers tillage in the adjacent fields reported seeing no wolves. The child said, "It was just fun," while laughing. This place is devoid of wolves. 


For several days, the youngster performed a similar feat over and over. A wolf unexpectedly emerged from the surrounding woodland and attacked one of the sheep after a few days while the shepherd kid and the herd were in the fie

3. Owning a Best Friend: English Friendship Moral Stories

One of the best friendship moral tales in English is Shaikh Subuhi's "Having a Best Friend." Two companions who were strolling through the desert are the subject of the story. They got into a fight on the way, and one of the friends slapped the other. The person who was smacked felt offended by his closest friend's action, but he remained silent. In the sand, he scribbled quietly, "Today my best friend slapped me."


They eventually came upon an oasis and began bathing in the lake. The person who had been smacked began to suddenly submerge. Then his friend saved him by coming to his aid. He engraved "Today" after he recovered from the drowning.

4. The Painting of the King 

There once was a generous and capable king who only had one leg and one eye. The monarch came upon his forefathers' portraits along the corridor one day while strolling through his palace. In addition, he wanted an artist to paint his portrait, but because of his physical peculiarities, he wasn't sure how it would end out. The King asked who could paint the most exquisite portrait of him, inviting all the painters from all the countries. The painters could not figure out how to depict the King, who had only one leg and one eye, in such a magnificent way.


With grace, none of the artists agreed to depict the King. Then a young painter stood up and promised

5. The Sheep and the Pig

A shepherd was grazing a herd of sheep in a pasture when a pig made its way inside. When the pig began to cry aloud and fight to free himself, the shepherd captured him and took him off toward the butcher shop. "The shepherd catches us regularly and drags us off like that, and we don't make any noise," the sheep said to the pig. The animal said, "My case and yours are altogether different; he catches and takes you to shave off the wool, but he wants me to be killed for making the bacon."


Moral: Never compare two circumstances without first being aware of them.

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