Top 5 Steps To Goal Setting Success

Goal setting is the real secret to success in all areas of life. But while setting goals may seem easy, achieving them is usually another matter.


Why is that?


You will never reach your goals unless you (1) know exactly what you want, (2) have passion for your goals, and (3) have a solid and realistic plan of action. Because you can't. It's the difference between vague dreams and hopes and real, achievable goals.


In trying to reach your goals, many obstacles and challenges appear in front of you. Here are five proven ways to help you achieve the success you deserve.


1- Know exactly what your goals are


Your first task is to discover exactly what your goals are. What does achieving that goal actually look like? Success becomes a measure of your clarity, because you can't build achievable goal plans around vague "dreams."


If your goal was to create a more successful business, what would you do? Are you thinking of hiring other people just to have more free time? Special lifestyle?


Regardless of what you want, the best way to get it is to first clarify what you want in as much detail as possible. This can be a lot of work. There is. But without a clear picture, we can't maintain the focus we need to achieve our goals.


2. Willingness to pay "participation fee"


Success requires dedication and planning. It's kind of like building a house. At first there is only a rough concept. Then set up a whole set of programs. This way, you will be closer to success in no time. The same is true for a better lifestyle or a successful business.


However, a *participation fee* is required to be successful.


How much is the entry fee?


More success in business may mean less time for fun. Writing your book may require less television. You may need to adjust your work or social activities to be closer to your child.


This is a "full glass" deal. If your life (your time) is already full, there is no room for anything

3. Focus on your daily goals


You probably want to reach your goal as soon as possible. This is why clear mental focus is so important.


Consistent daily focus is absolutely necessary to "burn" the new neural pathways needed to create new goals. Without daily focus, we continue to engage in old mental habits that hold us back from achieving our goals.


This happens automatically because these old habits are imprinted in your subconscious mind 24/7. The only way to ignore the subconscious anti-success messages is to consciously focus on what you really want and build new neural networks.


This is why success is an everyday occurrence.


Recommit to your goals every day. Don't let the mundane tasks and distractions try to take over by putting your goals behind you. Life tries to get in your way. Track your course every day and stick with it. Stay focused on your goals and success!


4. Be passionate


One of the most powerful tools in your "success toolbox" is having a genuine passion for your goals.


Why passion?


Because a strong, passionate desire for your goals helps burn new neural pathways faster. Many scientific studies show that passion is the key to success.


In addition (which is a really *huge* advantage), intense passion also helps to quickly rewrite old inappropriate "failure messages" in your subconscious.


5. Be persistent


In many ways, actually taking action is the hardest step. Achieving a successful goal is built by taking small steps one after another.


Words are actions!


If you commit to at least one small action every day, your actions will change. So don't wait for the moment when everything will magically "just happen".


You can create anything you want in life. The trick is to determine exactly what you want and go after it with passion. But remember: in the end, only actions matter. You can not sleep about it! You should!

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