Top 5 Natural Remedies To Prevent Anti-Aging!


Is your skin getting dull, damaged, and showing signs of anti-aging such as dark spots and wrinkles? There is nothing to worry about because we have got some very helpful remedies for you.

First things first, We need to understand that anti-Aging is a natural process that takes place over the period of time but what's essential for us to know is that this can be speeded up by a lot of things such as

  • Saturated Fat

  • Alcohol

  • Caffeine

  • Sugar

  • Sun Exposure

By making small changes in our daily lifestyle we can really bring a major change. Try including some kind of exercise in your daily routine, Eat a balanced diet, Cleanse your face gently, Apply a moisturizer, Drink a lot of water as that will help hydrate your skin, Apply sunscreen, Try including more fruits and vegetables in your diet and you will notice a major difference.

Apart from this, we have a few natural remedies using simple ingredients from your kitchen that can help  prevent Anti-Aging

1)Egg White Face Mask:-

Mix a teaspoon of honey with egg white and add a few drops of coconut oil into it. Mix them all together and apply it all over your face for 15 minutes. Once it has been completely dry rinse it off with cold water and pat dry your face. This will help reduce wrinkles and also moisturize your skin.

2) Banana Face Mask:-

Banana is also known as a natural botox that contains wrinkle-fighting nutrients and is enriched with vitamins A, B6, and C which are incredibly beneficial for your skin.

Take1 ripe banana and mash it into a smooth paste, add 1 Tablespoon of yogurt into it and apply it all over your face for 30 minutes.

You can also use the banana peel for scrubbing, Once you have rinsed off this face mask you can scrub the inner side of banana peel all over your face and let it stay for 5 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water. 

Repeat this thrice a week for better results.

3) Miracle Face Oil:-

To make this magical oil you need to mix 10ml of Argon oil along with 10ml of Jojoba Oil. Mix both of them together and store in a glass bottle. 

Take 2-3 drops and massage all over your face in circular motions for 10 minutes. Let it stay on your skin for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Argon oil and Jojoba oil are enriched with vitamin E which stops wrinkles and fine lines within no time.

4)Hydrating Gel:-

Take 1 tablespoon of Aloe vera gel, Mix it with 1 teaspoon honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Make a smooth paste and apply it on clean damp skin for 20 minutes. 

Lemon juice has vitamin C which has antioxidants that help create a collage in the skin, Aloe vera deeply hydrates your skin and reduces wrinkles. 

5) Glowing Spray:-

For this, you need 250ml Rosewater, 5ml of lemon juice, and 5 ml of Avocado oil. Mix all the three ingredients together and store it in a spray bottle. Once you have washed your face don't forget to spray it all over your skin.

Repeat this thrice a day for instant results.

Enjoy your beautiful skin!


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