Top 5 Most Horror Movies In World.

1. Halloween (1978)

Like a classic horror movie, the original Halloween is far less and imagery than its endless sequels and reboots. The story tells Michael Myers killing his parents when he was a child and was hospitalized. 

He escaped as an adult and continued to slaughter. What makes unique Halloween more overwhelming than contemporary Halloween is that it consolidates authenticity and supernaturalism.

Miles is without a doubt a human, yet he needs all that can be known as a human. He seems unstoppable, but his only "superpower" is anti-social. Director John Carpenter's expressionless mask and simple and weird soundtrack really make this already terrifying villain look out of place in this world.


2.Nightmare on Elm Street

Unlike Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger is talkative and expressive in almost every sense. It got more ridiculous as the sequel progressed, but in the original "A Nightmare on Elm Street," it was heavily threatened by a burnt face like a cheese pizza. 

A child molester and murderer who was technically acquitted is murdered by a local mafia parenting judge.

 But when the dead Freddie approaches them in their sleep, the children continue to pretend to be dark, a joke for the little ones.

3. The Exorcist (1973)  

The Exorcist is considered by many to be the scariest movie in history. This film is based on the novel by William Peter Blatty and reminds them of obsessive girls and a team of two priests.

It was the first (and still tiny) horror film nominated for Best Picture and nominated for 10 Academy Awards, including Best Picture. Intense acting and terrifying special effects make this film so effective that the work itself is considered a curse. 

Almost all of the participants in the film were injured, sick, or died in their families, and the entire set burned down. Where do you throw holy water?


4. SUSPIRIA (1977)  

Suspiria is not Dario Argento's first film, but perhaps one of the most famous and beautiful. The Americans left for Germany to study at a famous ballet school. 

But he soon learns that the school is run by a magician. Murders, bugs, and riots continued. Printed in beautiful, vibrant colors (very red), this film is one of modern cinema's most beautiful death scenes. 

Say. Previously, a woman was hung by a rope and thrown into a stained glass window. A large piece of glass washed away his friend. Visually composure.  
Suspiria is a vibrant, unforgettable, and insane film directed by the Italian Goblin Orchestra.


5. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Tobe Hooper's first component film, Texas Trimming tool Slaughter (indeed, the appropriate method to spell the first film's title is with "trimming tool" as two words), is a tarnished piece of repulsiveness history. 

In TCM, a social occasion's vehicle slows down traversing Texas, and they're compromised by Leatherface, a psychological case wearing human skin, who eats the tissue of his setbacks and uses their bones as an ornament. 

Ruthless, crude, and questionable, Hooper had each passing happen offscreen because of cunning altering and sound plan. 

However, the sheer disconcerting of the film's amazing feeling of fear and spot got it an R rating at any rate. We absolutely comprehend.

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