Top 5 Most Common Blood Pressure Medications

Top 5 Most Common Blood Pressure Medications

Here to talk about the top five of the five most common blood pressure Medications so the fifth most commonly prescribed blood pressure medication is hydrochlorothiazide we often see that abbreviated as HCTZ many times this is used in combination with other blood pressure medications for kind of synergistic effect on medication is not quite enough sometimes a combination of two will be enough to control the blood pressure it is a diuretic or what many people simply refer to as a water pill helps get rid of excess fluid uh initially it's dosed it to 12 and a half to 25 milligrams typically is what we see people start at once a day can go up to 50 milligrams once a day dosed once or twice a day.

We want to do it early in the day, so we're not up during the night using the restroom because it is a water pill again maximum dosage of 50 milligrams per day for blood pressure control and again early in the day side effects can include while they are generally mild it can include dizziness or headache or vertigo HCTZ or hydrochlorothiazide can increase skin sensitivity to sunlight, so we do need to be mindful of that that one could burn easier than normal rash can occur, and it is reported it can increase blood sugar levels typically not enough to make one diabetic or to require more medications to control diabetes but certainly something one wants to see for constipation can occur as well number for.

The fourth most common uh prescribed blood pressure medication losartan loosen is an art or angiotensin ii receptor blocker main effect the art have is they cause the blood vessels to relax and that helps lower the blood pressure it is often used in combination with HCTZ again the two together can control blood pressure really well for some folks us brand name Cozaar the losartan dosage generally started out at 25 to 50 milligrams a day with a max dose of 100 milligrams per day can be taken with or without food, but it's best taken at the same time in the same way each day for consistency, so you have 24-hour coverage you find the time of day that works best for you and remember to take it each day side effects with losartan are generally mild again tolerated really well by most people we can see some swelling and edema itchiness rash one thing that you do have to your doctor will monitor for is increased levels of potassium that can happen any time taking losartan nausea diarrhea stomach pain dizziness drowsiness muscle and back pain can occur ringing in the ears and cough number three Metoprolol or some people call it Metoprolol I hear it pronounced both ways Metoprolol it's a beta blocker it's available in the regular release which the US brand name is low pressure and the extended release US brand name Toprol. It's used to treat of course blood pressure that's what we're talking about, but it's also used for angina and certain heart failure patients uh the dosage of the immediate release generally started 50 milligrams twice a day up to 400 milligrams per day, and that again would be a split dose so maximum 200 milligrams twice a day should be taken with meals Metoprolol succinate the extended release generic Toprol excel generally 25 to 100 milligrams once a day again maximum 400 milligrams per day, and it can be taken with or without food, although sometimes it's still recommended that it be taken with food uh we want to go ahead and take that at the same time every day though, so we get to full coverage 24-hour coverage for blood pressure Metoprolol side effects it can affect heart rate, so we do have to see that it doesn't drop our heart rate too low and of course any blood pressure medication can cause low blood pressure rash itchiness can occur nausea heartburn diarrhea depression sometimes we can see some transient depression with the beta blockers if that seems to be an issue be sure to speak to your health care provider dizziness fatigue and vertigo can also occur number two second most prescribed blood pressure medication amlodipine it's a calcium channel blocker uh sold in the US under the brand name Novasic it's used for blood pressure of course as well as angina sometimes we see it used for Renaud syndrome too uh dosage usually two and a half to five milligrams once a day with a max of 10 milligrams per day taken with or without food again same time each day the side effects edema or swelling of the hands this can happen uh generally on the higher dose, and we can see it.

When I say it seems like it happens when you increase from five to ten milligram tablets something you want to be mindful of let your healthcare provider know if that occurs also flushing rash itch can occur nausea stomach pain drowsiness dizziness fatigue muscle cramping one the most commonly prescribed blood pressure medication is lisinopril is an ace inhibitor angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor in the US the brand names uh sold under the brand names printable and Zestril it basically it allows the blood vessels to relax very similar to how art work it of course treats high blood pressure or hypertension and may be used in folks with certain and that should be heart failure not heart failure certain types of heart failure it's often used in combination with hydrochlorothiazide dosage generally you started at 5 to 10 milligrams once a day with a max of 40 milligrams a day taken with or without food side effects can include dizziness low blood pressure rash photosensitivity increased levels of potassium, so we want to make sure that we're having our labs taken regularly muscle pain blurred vision and ringing in the ears can occur as well.

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