Top 5 Failure stories of successful people

  • Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking was born into a well-educated household. Stephen, on the other hand, was never a particularly bright student. He couldn't read correctly till he was eight years old.

Despite his mediocre academic achievement, his professors noticed something about him. They knew there was brilliance concealed deep within him.




He started going to Cambridge for his research in cosmology. Shortly Stephen began to experience weird physical problems. His speech became blurry, he became clumsy, and he would frequently end up falling. At first, he didn't pay enough attention, but his situation was rapidly deteriorating. And meanwhile, he met and married Jane, but he was diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis after a set of tests. stephen hawkings

One of his brain-controlling muscles was shutting down, gradually paralyzes, and struggle to speak, swallow and breathe without aid.

Stephen only had 2 years to live when the doctors said he did not have so much time left; he was driven to make a difference facing the possibility of his death.

It taught him that life is precious, and there are many things he wants to do. He believed that being upset about his condition was pointless.

He became one of history's most well-known, unusual, and renowned scientists.



  • Nick Vujicic

Nick was born with a rare condition of having no limbs. He had to face a lot of problems growing up. He was able to step up above all obstacles and live a life without boundaries.

He became the greatest author and motivational speaker who has inspired people to believe in themselves.

This is the tale of a man born without limbs and went on to achieve the unthinkable and become boundless.

Nick Vujicic was not only physically but emotionally strained. He was often bullied as a kid. So he thought that what is the point of living a life if he didn't have an aim?

He stopped focusing on what he didn't have and began to appreciate the numerous things he already had.



  • Charlie Chaplin

Despite many obstacles, Charlie Chaplin rose to become the King of comedy.

He was in an orphanage, working for a few pennies on the street, and stole food to live to become one of the most renowned stars of all time.

With a smile on his face, he conquered the world.Charlie chaplin

Charlie had a tough life, had to fight poverty, and struggled. His father had a drinking problem. Eventually, he died. His family had no money even to pay rent. He dropped out of school soon after, wanting to make it in show business.

He never gave up, even though his goal was out of reach. He had established himself as one of England's most renowned comedians.



  • Sundar Pichai

Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, was born into a middle-class family and lived in a two-bedroom house with few privileges.

On the other hand, his parents made certain that their children received the greatest education the family could afford.

His father paid for his plane ticket to the United States so he could attend Stanford.

He had a profound interest in technology, and he fulfilled his ambition.



  • Johnny Depp

during his childhood, Johnny Depp relocated a lot. He and his sibling moved around a lot, living in over 20 different places.

Johnny fell back in love with music when his mother gave him a guitar as a present.Johnny

He was extremely insecure as a youngster. He was the type of guy who never seemed to fit in because he never tried to make a decision.

He was afraid that he lacked any kind of talent. That thinking also took away all of his desire.



He played in several bands, yet he didn't have much success and was surviving by. This was not an easy road to success, yet he succeeded.

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