Top 5 DIY E-Liquid Recipes You Can Make at Home


The world of vaping has evolved significantly, with an ever-expanding array of commercial e-liquid options available. However, for many enthusiasts, the allure of crafting their own unique e-liquid blends has become increasingly captivating. DIY eliquid mixing allows vapers to personalize their vaping experience, experiment with bold flavors, and unlock a new level of customization. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the top 5 DIY e-liquid recipes that you can easily make at home, ensuring a delightful and satisfying vaping journey.

The Benefits of DIY E-Liquid Mixing

Embarking on the DIY e-liquid mixing journey offers a multitude of advantages for the discerning vaper:

  1. Customization: By mixing your own e-liquids, you have the freedom to create flavors and profiles that cater precisely to your personal preferences, whether you're seeking bold, subtle, or even entirely unique taste experiences.

  2. Cost-Effectiveness: Mixing your own e-liquids can be significantly more cost-effective than purchasing pre-made commercial offerings, especially for regular vapers.

  3. Experimentation: The DIY approach allows you to explore a limitless range of flavor combinations, ingredients, and nicotine strengths, enabling you to discover new and exciting vaping experiences.

  4. Ingredient Control: When you mix your own e-liquids, you have complete control over the ingredients, ensuring that you know exactly what you're vaping and avoiding any potentially unwanted additives or preservatives.

  5. Satisfaction: The sense of accomplishment and pride that comes from crafting your own personalized e-liquid blends is unparalleled, adding an extra layer of enjoyment to your vaping routine.

Top 5 DIY E-Liquid Recipes

Ready to dive into the world of DIY e-liquid mixing? Here are the top 5 recipes that you can easily make at home:

1. Classic Tobacco

  • PG/VG Ratio: 60/40
  • Nicotine Strength: 3-6 mg/mL
  • Flavor Concentrates:
    • Tobacco (Classic or RY4)
    • Caramel
    • Vanilla

This timeless recipe captures the essence of a smooth and satisfying tobacco-based e-liquid, with notes of caramel and vanilla providing a subtle sweetness. The balanced PG/VG ratio ensures a pleasant throat hit and satisfying vapor production, making it an excellent choice for both mouth-to-lung (MTL) and direct-to-lung (DTL) vaping.

2. Fruity Menthol

  • PG/VG Ratio: 50/50
  • Nicotine Strength: 0-3 mg/mL
  • Flavor Concentrates:
    • Menthol
    • Blueberry
    • Kiwi

The refreshing combination of menthol, blueberry, and kiwi creates a crisp and invigorating vaping experience, perfect for those who enjoy a touch of coolness and fruitiness. The 50/50 PG/VG ratio provides a balanced vaping experience, suitable for a wide range of devices and vaping styles.

3. Dessert Dream

  • PG/VG Ratio: 40/60
  • Nicotine Strength: 0-3 mg/mL
  • Flavor Concentrates:
    • Cheesecake
    • Graham Cracker
    • Strawberry

This decadent recipe delivers a rich and creamy dessert-inspired e-liquid, with the graham cracker crust and strawberry topping providing a delightful balance of flavors. The higher VG ratio ensures a dense and satisfying vapor production, perfect for those who enjoy indulging in a sweet and indulgent vaping experience.

4. Mocha Latte

  • PG/VG Ratio: 50/50
  • Nicotine Strength: 3-6 mg/mL
  • Flavor Concentrates:
    • Coffee
    • Chocolate
    • Cream

The Mocha Latte recipe captures the essence of a smooth and indulgent coffee-based drink, with the chocolate and cream elements adding a touch of sweetness and creaminess. The balanced PG/VG ratio creates a versatile e-liquid that can be enjoyed in a variety of vaping devices and settings.

5. Refreshing Mint

  • PG/VG Ratio: 40/60
  • Nicotine Strength: 0-3 mg/mL
  • Flavor Concentrates:
    • Mint
    • Menthol
    • Cucumber

This invigorating recipe combines the cooling and refreshing notes of mint and menthol with the crisp and hydrating presence of cucumber. The higher VG ratio ensures a dense and satisfying vapor production, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a rejuvenating and palate-cleansing vaping experience.

Mixing Your Own DIY E-Liquid

Crafting your own DIY e-liquids requires a few essential steps and considerations to ensure a successful and enjoyable outcome:

  1. Gather the Necessary Supplies: Assemble the required ingredients, including PG, VG, nicotine base (if desired), flavor concentrates, and necessary equipment such as syringes, graduated cylinders, or scales.

  2. Calculate the PG/VG Ratio: Determine the appropriate PG/VG ratio for your desired e-liquid blend, based on your personal preferences and the characteristics you're seeking.

  3. Measure and Mix: Carefully measure and combine the appropriate amounts of PG, VG, nicotine base, and flavor concentrates in your mixing container, following the recommended guidelines and ratios.

  4. Steep and Age: Allow the e-liquid to "steep" for a period of time, typically ranging from a few days to a few weeks, to allow the flavors to meld and mature.

  5. Label and Store: Once the e-liquid is mixed and steeped, label the container with relevant information, such as the PG/VG ratio, nicotine strength, and flavor profile. Store the e-liquid in a cool, dark place to maintain its quality and extend its shelf life.

Remember, experimenting and adjusting the recipes to suit your personal preferences is encouraged. The joy of DIY e-liquid mixing lies in the freedom to customize and create your own unique vaping experiences.


Embarking on the DIY e-liquid mixing journey opens up a world of personalization, experimentation, and cost-saving opportunities for the passionate vaper. By exploring the top 5 recipes outlined in this guide, you can unlock a diverse range of flavor profiles, from classic tobacco to indulgent desserts and refreshing menthol blends. The process of mixing your own e-liquids not only allows you to tailor your vaping experience but also fosters a sense of accomplishment and creativity. Embrace the DIY approach and embark on a captivating adventure of flavor discovery and customization, elevating your vaping experience to new heights.

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