Top 5 animals you should run away from

Deer tick


They're creepy, they're crawly and they can carry fatal and chronic diseases. While their bloodsucking nature means that any species of ticks can carry disease. The tiny deer tick is the granddaddy of them all also known as blackhead ticks. These little suckers are well known for carrying Lyme disease. The potentially fatal anaplasmosis and even the devastating Powassan Virus. This deadly infection can take effect in as little as 15 minutes after the bite and while not everyone will experience symptoms. Those who do are in serious trouble up to 50% of victims end up with permanent neurological damage and as many as 10% will die. There is no cure to help avoid the risk of ticks keep your grass in your yeard short and always wear bug spray when you go outside.

Golden poison dart frog

2. Golden poison frog

You might not imagine that frog could be dangerous especially one as small as the next contender on our list. On one touch of this tiny amphibian could prove fatal. The golden poison dart frog is tiny cute and absolutely lethal known as the most toxic poison dart frog in the world. This Amphibian native contains enough poison in its body to be fatal to 10 to 20 full-grown humans or up to two African elephants. In fact, just one gram of this poison can take out 15,000 human beings. Those unfortunate is enough to come into accidental contact with one of these cute Kermit's in the wild. Can look forward to sweating violent nausea and sudden heart failure. Thankfully not only do their bright colors make them highly visible and identify these are poisonous. You actually have to ingest the toxins or get their mucus into an open cut to suffer the effects.

Blue ringed octopus

3. Blue-ringed octopus

The first time you see this miniature bright orange and the blue bundle of squishy octopus. Cuteness you might be tempted to think it would make a cool. But don't be fooled much like the humble bumblebee and poison dart frog. This mollusks bright colors are a warning the blue-ringed octopus is the deadliest octopus in the world. This adorable creature can deliver enough venom to be fatal to 26 people. Tetrodotoxin the kind of poison it produces is 1,000 times more powerful than cyanide and causes full-body paralysis that leads to respiratory and cardiac failure. Without immediate medical intervention, circumstances are very dangerous or deadly. Of course, your best bet is to avoid the octopus altogether but if you ever do come across one on the Australian coast then give this beautiful octopus plenty of room.

Inland Taipan

4. Inland Taipan

In November of 2017, An Australian teenager was rushed to the hospital. After he'd been bitten not by a wild animal but by his own pet snake. As you can imagine his beloved reptile was no ball python or corn snake this boy's pet was an Inland Taipan. One of the deadliest snakes in the world. Most snakes will eat anything they can fit in their mouths but the Inland Taipan has evolved to exclusively hunt mammals. It is particularly deadly to all mammals including humans. Its venom is a two-part disaster of neurotoxins and hemotoxins essentially. It works to stop all muscle function. While thinning the unfortunate victim's blood paralysis and internal bleeding quickly leads to fatal consequences Without proper medical attention. If you find yourself across one in a while be sure to give this deadly reptile Berthe.  

Woolly slug

5. Woolly Slug

If you live in the state of Texas than chances are you've come across one of these tiny woolly swoops. The ASP caterpillar also called puss caterpillars might look ridiculous but if you happen to see one it's in your best interest to leave it well alone. As hard as it may be to believe this funky-looking bug is considered to be the most highly venomous caterpillar in the world. The adult ASP moth is absolutely adorable but one touch of its caterpillar stage and the unfortunate individual is bound for a world of pain. You see each tiny hair on the caterpillar's body is like a miniature hypodermic needle injecting venom so strong. It sends shockwaves of pain that can last for up to 12 hours. Most people report an excruciatingly painful sting that's so powerful. It makes your bones hurt and some individuals will experience sweating nausea and chest pain just like with bees. There have been cases where the aked caterpillar sting has sent people into anaphylactic shock. All things considered, it's probably best to steer clear.   

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