Top 3 cheap and simple lifestyle change to be optimistic



People here are leading very stressful life. These lockdown days and work from the home process are making the days even more stressful for people. For some people, unemployment is also making life stressful.

Seeing each other's faces and sitting at home is a very irritating situation for people who were leading a life surrounded by many people, friends, and colleagues. This stress itself will pave the way for more negative thoughts.

For others, social media addiction itself is causing stress. They try to eliminate social media, but a vacuum in their day is just leading them to social media platforms to kill their time. But also, this is causing a pang of guilt that they are wasting their time unnecessarily without any income. This guilt itself is leading to many negative thoughts in people.

Here are some simple and cheapest lifestyle changes that will make your life stress-free and make you a very positive person.



Take a bath and dress up.

Starting your day fresh will give you great enthusiasm and energy for the whole day. Take a bath in the morning itself after finishing your morning chores and get dressed up. 

Wear a neat dress such that you can go out without a dress change. But also choose the dress that is cozy and comfortable.

Avoid wearing night dresses in the daytime.

This habit will give you a good mindset in the morning. It will give you great energy and enthusiasm. You will automatically think about the works that you can do in the day. Also, you can choose profitable work for your peace of mind, even though it's not economically profitable.



Grow an indoor plant

A plant is a living being. You should care for it and water it regularly and daily. Pick a plant of your choice and grow it indoors. It will give you a feeling of being responsible for something.

There are many options for indoor plants. Plants that grow in dim light, plants that grow with very little water, plants that will give more oxygen, e.g., mother-in-law's tongue plant, comes into all the above categories.

Also, many plants remove the negativity and give positivity. 

Plants are believed to have good luck and bring more wealth to the home. A great example is the money plant. The name itself says it. 

It is said that our home is more polluted than our surroundings. Certain plants are said to give more oxygen, like indoor bamboo.

So having a plant will make us responsible for taking care of it. Also, the well-being of the plant reflects the efforts we put into it. If we care for it, then it will grow well. You can see the results of your small work daily in your house. Whenever you feel low, that will give you the enthusiasm to do more work.



Go for a walk

Go for a walk daily for atleast half an hour a day. You don't need to go to a park or outside for walking.  If possible, you can definitely go. You can take a home tour. This walk is not only for your health but also for your mental well-being. 

Walk calmly and relax. Don't rush. Look at the surrounding, observe and enjoy it. This will give you some time. You can think about your works to be done or your wishes to be fulfilled, or your goals to be reached. This me-time activity will encourage and boost you to do more every other day.

If not possible for a walk outside, go for a home tour daily, take time, walk around your house, remove clutter you see in your way and observe your home. But don't completely get into a clutter-removing activity. Take me time in this time and think it over.

Thus, these are some best and cheap ideas to change our life energetic, positive, enthusiastic, and happy. These activities will keep you engaged and active the whole day.


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