Top 20 facts about the human body

1. Approximately 20 times per minute, or ten million times annually, you typically blink your eyes.

2. When a person reaches puberty, their height stops growing, but their ears and nose continue to expand; this phenomena is caused by gravity.

3. The clear front surface of our eyes, the cornea, draws its oxygen straight from the atmosphere rather than from a blood supply!

4. Were you aware? One strange facts concerning the human body is that it contains seven bars of soap's worth of fat.

5. The human brain has a three to six minute survival period once the oxygen supply is cut off.

6. Humans acquire fingertips just three months after conception, when they are still embryos. This indicates that the baby's fingertips are fully formed just after the first trimester.

7. A person's stomach lining becomes crimson when they blush, and they may feel this too.

8. Astronauts can grow up to two inches in length while in space, which is an odd fact concerning height.

9. Teratomas are tumors that have the ability to generate their own hair and teeth.

10. When you listen to music, your heart might beat in time with the beat.

11. Your stomach secretions an acid that is so potent it can dissolve metal. This is known as stomach acid. Thus, it has the ability to burn skin!

12. Human tongue prints are distinct, just like fingerprints.

13. The fact that humans shed over 600,000 skin particles every hour is another strange fact about the human body.

14. Here's another interesting fact about people. A trillion cells make up one individuals body. Furthermore, a mutation in any one of the cells has the ability to spontaneously combine to become cancer. Additionally, there's a likelihood that you have battled cancer before given how frequently cells divide and how almost 30,000 genes are found in each cell.

15. An individual generates 25,000 quarts of saliva during their lifetime, nearly two swimming pools' worth. An individual generates 25,000 quarts of saliva during their lifetime, nearly two swimming pools' worth.

16. Around 300 bones make up an infant at birth, but some of these fuse together as they grow. They have only 206 bones by the time they are adults.

17. Your hands, wrists, ankles, and feet contain more than half of your bones.

18. Your body creates 25 million new cells every second. That implies that you will have created more cells in 15 seconds than there are individuals in the entire country.

19. The femur, sometimes referred to as the thigh bone, is the biggest bone in the human body. The stirrup bone, which is found inside your ear drum, is the tiniest bone.

20. The human body contains anywhere from 60,000 to 100,000 miles of blood arteries.

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