Top 16 weapons against Fear ( Conquer against Fear)

The drumrolls of Fear:

Fear is the chill in your bones, as you knock on that door which is pivotal to your success in life. 

Fear is the tiger which terrorizes your heart as you get closer to achieving your goal. 
Fear is the jiteriness in your bone marrows when you try to confront a challenge like a man. 

Fear can be positive given the right circumstances: then it can be a life – saver,preventing you from making rash and unreasonable decisions, controlling our risk-taking impulses by puling us away from the precipice. 

FEAR is usually and habitually a joy – killer. It is an enemy of progress, a bedfellow schooled in the natural art of  discouraging us from making progress, and an abstract force you feel but can never touch. It is an  impalpable but devastating enemy that impedes all your progressive  struggles. 

It lives inside your mind. 
It is a frightening phenomenon. 
It is often a figment of your imagination, like a false reflection on a tarred road - a frightening illusion you must challenge vehemently in order to have a breakthrough 

Where does your own fear live? 
What triggers it in you? 
What activates your fear? 
You have to identify what applies to you because it varies from one person to another. 

Ask yourself questions:
Why am I suddenly afraid? 
What's the worst scenario that can happen to me if I open that door? 
What do I lose or gain by walking away from that gate without opening it? 

Many beautiful prospects have been shattered by FEAR . 
Pin down your answers and tackle them head-on. 
FEAR tells you that the task cannot be executed by you. 
It argues that you are unqualified and unsuitable. 
It insists that you are incompetent and inferior.
FEAR is the mother of failure.


16 weapons against Fear: 

 1. You have the POWER to PROOF to FEAR that it is a LIAR 

2. Boldness can be cultivated, so learn how to be bold

 3. Frée your mind of all negative thoughts 

4. Repeatedly tell your self that you are qualified and able to do it just as good as the next person - if not better

 5. Find our what triggers your fear, find the root of your fears, and fix it, do something about it so it stops generating fear in you.

 6. Do the right thing. Be fair to everybody. When you do that you limit areas of conflict and crisis and have less reason to fear anybody.

7. Develop your skills. This gives you confidence in your capabilities and removes unnecessary fears

8. Learn to have confidence in yourself and in your own abilities

9. Stop doubting yourself: doubt is one of the things which instill unnecessary fears in us

 10. Believe in the equality of all mankind and that the creator created us all equal - that if the other guy made it you too can and that you are not inferior in any way

11. Be spiritually-rooted in God and His Scripture, it gives you inner courage, confidence and assurance.

 12. Respect but be afraid of no man.

13. Confront and combat your fears courageously and decisively.

 14. Be positive – minded always

15. Learn how to protect yourself through training, if physical security is your challenge. You can enroll for professional training in any of the martial arts like boxing, karate, etc. 

16. Also, regular fitness training works magic in boosting personal confidence and enhancing our mental and physical agility and dexterity. 


 To succeed in life, we have to overcome formidable obstacles blocking the way and obstructing our progress. FEAR is one of these major impediments. It is a monster we must employ all available weapons to crush if we are to achieve real success in life.

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Mohammed Asees - Sep 14, 2022, 6:51 AM - Add Reply

There is a book named “feel the fear and do it anyway” i’ll recommend that book to everyone.

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About Author

I am master’s degree holder with distinction in English literature. My interests lies in writing, reading, painting, travelling, parenting and cooking. I am happily married with three kids.