Top 15 Innovative Learning Techniques in Science

Learning design and approach are given more emphasis in today’s education over spoon-feeding the facts. Due to technological advances and the enhancement of content, the traditional lecture methods are not sufficient to teach Science and other related subjects.

The eminent educators and teaching personnel have proposed many progressive ideas claiming that technology may help build a better understanding of subjects amongst students.

The student’s cognitive development is based on various science teaching methods; however, the technology advances the lead. Here are the top 15 innovative learning techniques in Science for the best outcome.


1. Hands-on learning

It involves the active participation of students to experience scientific concepts and build a scientific attitude in them. The government schools, including many private schools, are promoting the use of low-cost materials in classrooms to helps students to perform hands-on activities.

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2. Roleplay

It is becoming an integral part of science education and Science communication as students involve through organized activities while learning a new concept.

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3. Text cards

The science text cards are an innovative teaching method to convey science facts constructively. In this activity, the science concepts are written on the index cards.

Individual students or students in a group can work individually to sort the cards based on the given rules. The rules include sequencing, true-false, matching, etc.

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4. Graphic tree

The graphic tree can convey Science in a more organized and structured way. Teachers use different types of templates to represent various topics and sub-topics.

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5. Museum of Science

Based on the geographical location, the students have the opportunity to visit a science museum as a part of their learning. A science museum can provide innovative resources to understand various concepts of Science.


6. Multimedia programs

The learning becomes more engaging when there is audio, animation, video, images, or interactive content to teach more wide and complex areas in Science.

A science educator can provide vast information using multimedia programmes, involve a wide range of activities to offer a better learning experience.


7. ICT enabled learning

ICT refers to the use of Information and Communications Technology that promotes open-source learning. This approach integrates computers, telecommunications, relevant software, and audio-visual systems to handle the science topic.

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8. Video footages

Nowadays, video footage is becoming extremely important to teach a new concept. A complex science topic can be conveyed better with animated videos. It can also be videos of demonstration of an idea in the classroom.


9. Science kit

This is one of the innovative methods of teaching Science. Let it be physical Science or life science; teachers emphasize science kits to make students engaged in fun activities. The student can explore materials of many models such as microscope, periscope, and kaleidoscope.

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10. Mobile apps for Science

The scope of digital learning is increasing day by day. Several mobile apps are available for primary to middle school students and those going for higher studies. Today’s students are tech experts, and they love to learn Science using their gadgets than their parents think!


11. Outreach

to refresh student’s regular classroom, take your students out for an educational trip to experience science while learning. A nature center such as a bird park or a fishery can be a good visit for their learning.


12. Science club

Setting up a science club in your schools or community can be an ideal approach to science-technology-engineering-mathematic (STEM) education.

STEM is connected to our lives, where S ( Science) is everywhere in our day-to-day life, T (Technology) is continuously making the path easier in every industry, E (Engineering) integrates the basic designs and too complex world formation, and M (Mathematics) is the other side of our occupation, that increases intellectual skills.

STEM teaches Critical Thinking; hence, these are powerful teaching methods for better learning outcomes.


13. Home science

Encourage your students to explore Science at home. Ask them to find out a specific concept applied, such as freezing ice, boiling water on heating, speeding up the fan with the regulator. Students can also explore fantastic Science in the kitchen, like making a layer of honey, vinegar, sugar solution, etc.

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14. Quiz

A quiz is a powerful tool when teaching Science. It can be a whole classroom activity. The examination is based on different learning levels – such as recalling, understanding, and analyzing.


15. Build a project

Doing a project is a challenging task given to students. Models are the building blocks of science activities, which are used to describe the real world.

Making a model involves the direct involvement of scientific knowledge. It makes students more creative and imaginative.

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Educationist, Curriculum manger and Translator