TOP - 15 Habits that improves your daily routine

1) We should wake up early in the morning between 4:00 - 6:00 am because nature has sattvic quality, making our mind happy and making our organs active to do work. 

2) And after that, we should look at both our hands so that our face's aura becomes clear, and then we should close the eyes and take a deep breath and think of something positive; this will help increase our willpower. 

3) And then your face and eyes should be washed with cold water then after that we should drink water. Patients of constipation, obesity, joint pain, allergy should drink hot water in a sitting position because drinking water in a standing position distorts the data. As a result, our joints start getting pains. 

4) According to Ayurveda, the stool should be discharged out from the body after taking full consideration of body concern. That is, either the food is digested or not. If you previously ate food is properly digested ( otherwise, sleep without eating anything because this process makes digestion of the undigested food). 

5) And if we consume giloy, tulsi leaves, amla, and aloe vera every morning, then our body remains healthy and detoxicated.

6) Datun(brushing) should be done with neem early in the morning and after meals. The gums should not get any harms while doing Datun with neem in the morning and after meals. 

7) We should perform yoga and exercise twice a day. This helps keep blood circulation maintained, thus improving our skin and helping get rid of several diseases. 

8) Start '' 5 minutes meditation a day '' .  Getting started is the toughest step but have the patience to perform meditation. Be positive if the initial results are not in your favor, but one time surely, it will be benefited. Be punctual and make it a habit.

9) Apply some friction by applying paste or oil to your body and slowly massage it, thus dissolving the fat. 

10)  Then we should take a bath. This will increase our hunger, and we will eat more: age, energy, the force of the body increases by bathing. Bathing destroys feces, fatigue, and sweat. Lower parts of the body should be baked with hot water.

11) We should not eat the same food for breakfast as if we ate parathas at breakfast, we should eat different food. We should keep fasting once in 15 days, which is very beneficial for our health.

12) Utilise your best time, that is, consider the time study and make a note where you wasted your time similarly; make a note where you utilized your time, and best uses it. You should give yourself a fancy time to enjoy yourself. That will help you to stay happier always.

13) Spend your whole day positively with positive peoples and in a positive environment. This will help you to develop yourself and thus improving yourself. 

14) Now look at your night routine. Eat light food at night because the body rests in the night; if you eat heavy food, drink warm water for its proper digestion.

15) You should get enough sleep. If you get to sleep less than the amount of sleep the body demands, this can hurt our body. For a normal human being, 6 - 8 hrs of sleep is necessary; otherwise, it will cause headaches, thus decreasing your capacity to do work.

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purevdorj - Oct 11, 2020, 4:07 AM - Add Reply

wo beutiful

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