Top 12 Yoga Poses and Home Remedies on excessive urination (Polyuria).


Before we learn the cure for Polyuria, let's first understand what exactly this disease is.

Definition of Polyuria

The Problem of Frequent urination in large quantities is called Polyuria. Often this disease is more in adults and older adults, in which a lot of urine comes. 

Its Patient urinates from 5 to 10 liters in a day, in which there is neither sugar nor alumina.

Most people urinate more in rainy and cold weather; if you feel frequent urination due to cold, then it is not a disease, but if in every season we have to urinate more often than a normal person, then it is a problem. 


Due to excessive urination, the diet's nutrients start coming out of the body, due to which the patient feels physical week, and because of the lack of complete nutrition to the body, age starts appearing more.


Causes of Polyuria.

The main reason for this is the defect in the pituitary gland and kidney. In Polyuria, the kidney overworks and excretes urea and uric acid.

The people whose bladder is more active are troubled by the problem of frequent urination. Losing control over the bladder leads to the problem of urination. In such a situation, frequent urination or polyuria can create problems in the daily routine of the person. Due to this, a person has to feel ashamed, but it also interferes with our work while doing some important work or during office work.


Polyuria has also been considered a cause of urinary gland infection, which is also known as Insomnia.


Symptoms of frequent urination

Pain when urinating, bloody and strange color in urine, inability to hold urine, or a gradual weakening of the bladder urge urination but difficulty in urinating. Discharge from the vagina or penis increases thirst and appetite.

Its main symptoms are fever, chills, vomiting, nausea, and lower back pain.


Types of Polyuria

There are two types of Polyuria, "Diabetes" and "Diuresis." In diuresis, sugar does not come in the urine; urine comes in excess, whereas in diabetes, urine is also more, and sugar also comes.

The precautions to be taken in this disease are as follows.

This disease is more common in men than in women; this is eating too much sugar, drinking alcohol, beer, feeling very cold, and having any mental stress. 


A diabetic patient must walk daily in the morning and evening and do simple exercises. Any kind of hard work, mental anxiety, and mental exertion are absolutely forbidden.

In this disease, the patient has to be careful about food and drink throughout his life.

If you ate starchy food (rice, roti, potato, etc.) or sweets, then again, sugar starts coming into the urine, and the other prefixes will increase. Because Polyuria disease (diabetes) is often not cured of the root.

The patient should always wear warm clothes, and care should be taken not to catch a cold.


Top 12 yoga poses on polyuria 

1. Thunderbolt pose

Yoga pose on Polyuria.

2. Chair pose.

Yoga pose on Polyuria.


3. Squat pose.

Yoga pose on Polyuria.


4. Backward bend sitting on the heels pose.

Yoga pose on Polyuria


5. The head to knee pose.

Yoga pose on Polyuria.


6. Shoulder stand pose.

Yoga pose on Polyuria.


7. King pigeon pose.

Yoga pose on Polyuria.


8. Bow pose.

Yoga pose on Polyuria.


9. Wind relieving pose.

Yoga pose on Polyuria.



10. Frog pose.

Yoga pose on Polyuria.


11. Half lord of the fish pose.

Yoga pose on Polyuria.


12. Sleeping butterfly pose.

Yoga pose on Polyuria.

All these poses play an important role in removing the major causes of this disease.

Do these Yoga poses 3 to 5 times a day and hold yourself for 15 to 30 seconds in each pose. All these Yoga poses should be done after waking up in the morning or 3 to 4 hours after lunch.

If you do these Yoga poses one hour before going to bed at night, you will be able to urinate properly at night and will not have to run to the toilet to urinate again at night. As a result, you will have a good night's sleep.

Top 12 home remedies on Polyuria.

1) Regular use of radish provides relief in Polyuria.

2)  Taking the dry powder of gooseberry mixed with jaggery brings urine freely.

3)  By consuming fresh ginger juice, stagnant urine comes out quickly, and the complaint of Polyuria also ends.

4) Pistachio 6 grains, three grains of dry grapes, and three grains of black pepper, chew them in the morning-evening. After eating it for fifteen days, urine will not come again and again.  

5) Drinking pineapple juice reduces excessive urination at night.

6) Drinking tea without milk and sugar also reduces the risk of excessive urination.

7) Yogurt contains a probiotic bladder that prevents the growth of dangerous bacteria. It should be eaten with food every day. This will give relief from frequent urination.

8) Heat the Fenugreek seeds on a low flame and consume it; by consuming them for 7 days, the problem of frequent urination will end soon.

9) You must have seen that usually doctors recommend eating spinach to the sugar patient, one of the reasons behind this is that it reduces urination, and the problem of frequent urination ends. Consuming spinach in dinner will reduce the problem of excessive urination.

10) Basil Leaves acts as an antioxidant and also removes toxins from the body. Its antimicrobial properties help treat UTIs. Take 5 to 7 basil leaves and grind them and extract the juice. Now drink this juice mixed with two spoons of honey. Doing this remedy every morning on an empty stomach will be beneficial.

11) Mixed 20 grams of poppy seeds and 20 grams of jaggery, take 1-1 grams with water in the morning and evening and cure the multi urinary disease.

12) By eating two walnuts and twenty raisins daily, the problem of urination in bed is removed.

What happens if you drink less water to avoid excessive urination?

Many diabetic patients consume less drinking water for fear of urinating more in public and at work, but this is very wrong. This will reduce the amount of water in their body.

The human body is made up of 70% water. And dehydration can cause headaches, drowsiness, and constipation. The human brain is 73% water. Just a couple of hours of dehydration can affect our attention, memory, and other cognitive skills. 

Drinking less drinking water can lead to dehydration. Dehydration can also lead to kidney disease and kidney stones. Dehydration also worsens the digestive system.

Therefore, consumption of drinking water should not be reduced without the advice of a doctor. Drink an adequate amount of drinking water.


Polyuria can affect people of any age, but there is no need to panic. We can control this disease only with the help of yoga and home remedies.

So friends, live a healthy and happy life without the stress of this disease.

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