Top 12 New Mind Blowing psychology Facts | Psychological Facts about Music

All the activities that we do, there are some activities in them, In which the brain becomes fully active, and these activities utilize entire brain …. Music is also one of these activities. With the help of fMRI, a research team researched some people listening to music. They found that when those people were listening to music, their Auditory areas were activated and neural networks also become faster on a large scale. Along with this, MUSIC activates emotional and creative areas of the brain.


Fact - 11

Has it ever happened to you that you are trying to remember the answer while giving exams, but your mind keeps telling you "Taki Taki Rumba" If this has happened to you, then don't worry? Everybody faces this..... This condition is called "Earworm" Earworm is also known as Brainworm, Sticky Music and stuck Song Syndrome. Earworm is a cognitive itch in your brain. In which a catchy part of any song keeps repeating in your mind even after the song is over… This Earworm is the need of our brain, in which the music or song lyrics are filled in the gaps. The auditory cortex is a part of our brain that works to fill these gaps automatically.


Fact -10

Music helps you in reducing stress, you all must have heard it and have also experienced it…Let's talk about why this happens music reduces the rate of Cortisol's production and release, Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone. Low cortisol means good learning capability and power, and lower blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol that reduce the risk of heart disease.


Fact - 09

Research has shown that when there is background music, Or when a person is focused on some work and plays slow music in the background then the performance of that person gets improved. But this fact can only be applied to adults. So next time if you are writing or doing something that needs creativity, then definitely tries music in the background.


Fact- 08

Have you ever wondered why your favourite song is your favourite? Listening to any music or song our mind releases dopamine, Dopamine is the same chemical that is released in a situation of greater pleasure, excitement or love. It is directly involved in motivation and addiction. Because of this dopamine, when you listen to your favourite song, then you feel pleasure and unmatchable happiness.


Fact -07

Whatever we see around us, we hear and perceive, our brain behaves according to that information…This is the reason: When we listen to a Motivational song, we feel energetic, when we hear a love song then we feel romantic and get sad after listening to a Sad Song.


Fact- 06

In a study done on children, it was seen that children who had learned or played any musical instrument for 2 or more years. Their motor skills, reasoning skills and vocabulary were better than children who don't know how to play a musical instrument. So, If you also want to make these skills strong, you should also learn to play an instrument.


Fact - 05

According to a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience, there is a lower risk of ADHD in those people who know how to play a musical instrument. The reason is, Music education makes a very good synchronization between the two hemispheres of our brain, which lowers the risk of ADHD in people.


Fact - 04

The choice of music of all people is different. Some like pop music, some like rock and some people like classical music. It is seen that people who like classical music tends to have a better IQ than those who listen to other types of music or do not listen to music. Classical music can improve your IQ.


Fact- 03

Insomnia is a serious problem that is seen in all age groups people. Although many treatments of Insomnia are available, it is an effective, safe, easy and affordable cure for Insomnia. Listening to Relaxing Music and Classical Music before going to sleep can solve this problem. How? Let's see a study was done on college students, in which 3 students were asked to listen to classical songs, Audiobooks and nothing before sleeping for 3 weeks. The research found that the student who was asked to listen to classical music before sleeping slept better than the one who listened to the audiobook and who heard, listening to classical music before going to sleep can solve your INSOMNIA problem and you can have a great sleep.


Fact - 02

Music therapy is used to treat a lot of psychological problems like depression. Depression, anxiety, and neurological conditions such as dementia, stroke, and Parkinson's disease can also be treated without risk using music.


Fact - 01

We all use music to feel relaxed, To avoid boring journeys and for entertainment….But do you know that music is used to remove issues like brain damage, heart problems…Mental Health Professionals and other licensed professionals use music especially for those who have a speaking disorder or people who have problems due to stroke or any brain injury. With the help of music, the power of music removes these problems….The left side of the brain processes the music and the right processes the language…Music works to create new neurological pathways. According to a report of Harvard Medical School, It has been seen that people who are in speech problems are not able to speak properly some words but such people can sing those words….That's why music therapy is used for their recovery….So that's all for today's episode of "Bring me facts"


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