Top 10 tips for healthy nails

Many less-than-desirable nail conditions can be avoided with proper finger and toenail care. The quickest route to more robust, healthier nails is through simple lifestyle changes – and kicking some bad habits, such as using your nails as a built-in pocket knife! 


#1: Take breaks from nail polish 

When was the last time you gave your nails some time off from nail polish? Let your fingernails breathe by removing polish once a week or as soon as they start to chip. Toenails can go 2-3 weeks. Otherwise, you could be left with brittle or discolored nails from prolonged wear. 
Between paintings and mani, give your nails at least 1-2 weeks off in between. 

#2: Trim and manicure nails correctly 

Cut nails straight across for healthy growth and to prevent ingrown toenails. Avoid trimming nails too short, rounding the edges, or cutting the toenails into a V-shape. 
You should also never cut your cuticles and only push them back as needed. And if you use an emery board to file your nails, be sure to swipe across in one direction rather than back and forth (this can split the pin). 

#3: Avoid harsh products 

Harsh products like acetone can weaken the nails while leading to discoloration and brittleness. Gel polish and adhesives can cause long-term harm to the nail bed and cuticles, especially if they are peeled or pried off the nail. 

#4: Clean and trim nails properly 

When keeping hands and nails clean, make sure you use products meant to protect hydration. Use a hydrating hand soap, a gentle yet effective hand sanitizer gel, or a hand sanitizer spray that’s packed with humectants. 
Regular trimming can also help prevent common issues like hangnails and ingrown toenails. 

#5: Clean manicure and pedicure tools 

To prevent bacterial growth, drop your tools into a jar of alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and allow them to sit for a few minutes. Let them dry, then store them in an airtight container. 

#6: Change your socks regularly 

Sweaty feet do more than smell up your socks! When left on for too long, socks provide the perfect breeding ground for fungus and bacteria. Bring extra socks to change into if you know you’re going to get your sweat on! 

#7: Keep cuticles moisturized 

Healthy cuticles equal longer, stronger nails. Keep them moisturized and protected with cuticle oil to prevent dryness or, worse – bacterial or fungal infections. 

#8: Wear the correct footwear 

Wear shoes that fit correctly to avoid discomfort or ingrown toenails. Be sure to wear flip-flops in public showers to reduce the risk of infections. If your feet are exposed to water, wear waterproof shoes or water shoes if you don’t mind getting wet. Just be sure to keep a pair of dry socks and shoes on hand for when you’re done! 

#9: Avoid nail biting 

For some, this habit can be hard to break – but refrain from biting your nails. These habits can damage the nail bed, cause abnormal growth, or worse, permanently damage keratin: the tissue that helps your nails grow. 

#10: Don’t use your nails as tools 

Avoid using your nails like a Swiss Army knife. Try using the pad of your fingertip to open cans instead of your nails. WUse a tool instead of simple tasks like opening shipping boxes or peeling off labels; you’ll save your nails or manicure if you do! 

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