1. Do Not Look For Immediate Results

Building muscle mass is a gradual process which gives lasting results when done in a proper way. Immediate results should not be aimed for. There should be an incremental increase in muscle mass rather than exponential. You need to make your body used to strenuous exercise and give the body time to rest as well for it to recoup and revitalize before the next session. The slightest result of this route can be seen at least after two weeks.     



2. Resistance Training Helps Build Muscle Mass                                                                                                     

Muscle mass can be increased when you do resistance training combined with the right cardio. You would want to develop fast twitch muscle fibers and make the slow twitch muscle fibers gain the characteristics of the fast twitch muscle fibers. To do this some lifting exercises can help a great deal. Do the ones with a lower injury risk factor. Try the snatch grip high pulls as these are helpful to develop the upper body.     



3. Include Heavy Carries In Your Workout Routine                                                                                                 

You can do the farmer’s walk. This helps to increase body mass and strength. Pick heavy weights like the dumbbell or a kettle bell and walk for half an hour or an hour. Doing this you will be able to get functional mass on areas like the glutes, traps, forearms and calves. 



4.Do Not Overdo                                                                                                                                                       

It is not always recommended to train as if you are fighting to death. Since your body can adapt to strenuous workouts, you do not need to work out like crazy. If you are having that over-trained feeling then this means that you are stressing too much over high intensity workouts, getting psyched up and all and even failing in most circumstances. Believe that there are good days and bad days at the gym. When you have bad days, put it to your benefit. Challenge yourself that you are going to make it right next time. 



5. Train More Regularly                                                                                                                                               

In the beginning, training 3 days a week with proper rest days is a good way to get things in shape. You follow such a routine for the first two weeks and then train for a number of days per week after two weeks. Building your muscle size and strength does not come too quickly and you have to achieve the physique in a more hard earned way. You need to make intense sessions of work out in the gym for almost an hour each day to gain muscle mass. Doing light exercise for delayed hours will not help at all in gaining muscle mass. 



6. Eat Proper and Well-Balanced Diet                                                                                                               

Your diet should include all the necessary nutrients the body needs to build mass. It should have a balance of all the micro-nutrients as well as the micro-nutrients. There should be a proper intake of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. You should not go for processed food that is enriched with sodium and sugars.



7. Inclusion of Proteins in the Diet                                                                                                                         

Protein is needed to build muscle tissue and repair it as well as for the development of red blood cells, hormones, nails and hair. It is helpful in covering iron deficiency in the body too. Proteins can be found in meat, chicken and eggs. You may also try whey protein supplements to fasten your progress.           



8. Avoid Bad Fats                                                                                                                                                 

Bad fats include trans fats and saturated fats. There is lower risk of disease with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated fats are a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids. These are found in cold water fish, nuts, oils, seeds, dark leafy vegetables and vegetable oils.   




9. Use of Supplements                                                                                                                                 

Supplements are used to cover nutritional gaps. Since a bodybuilder’s diet is high calorie, it is suggested to eat 5-6 meals a day filled with the necessary nutrients required by the body. If you are unable to ingest so much food, it is better to cover the deficiencies with supplements.



10. Drink Plenty of Water                                                                                                                                         

A bodybuilder should be drinking a gallon of water every day as water is required to make the muscles look more attractive as 70% of the muscle composition is water. Drinking plenty of water will help keep the feeling of satiety and cause you less to eat food that is not healthy.



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