Top 10 Stress Management Techniques

Stress is part and parcel of life that cannot be avoided. It is, however, a word that means different things to different people.

Stress is the wear and tear your body experiences as you adjust to your changing environment. It can also be defined as a feeling of emotional and physical tension when faced with a difficult situation.

Although stress is a fact of life, being stressed out is not. You may not have control over what happens to you, but you can definitely control your response to it. Here are some control measures put forward by experts to take control of your stress.

1) Breathe easily- Shallow breathing causes your heart to beat faster and tenses up your muscles. To relax your body, inhale slowly through your nose, hold your breath for a few seconds and then exhale slowly. Repeat this several times.

2)Warm-up- Rub your hands together vigorously until they feel warm. Then cup them over your closed eyes for 10 seconds while you breathe deeply.

3)Try out this self-massage- Massage the palm of one hand by making a circular motion with the thumb of the other hand. This simple procedure helps a lot in reducing stress.

4)Put it on paper- Take a piece of paper and divide it into two parts. On one half, list the stressors you may be able to change, and on the other half, list the ones you cannot do anything about. Now change what you can and stop worrying about what you cannot

5)Take some snacks- Foods that are high in carbohydrates stimulate the release of serotonin ( chemicals that make you feel good) and help to make you calm. Also, increase your vitamin intake.

6)Avoid coffee/ tea- Avoid tea, coffee, or soft drinks and switch to plain mineral water.

7)Take a walk- It calms down your body and improves circulation. If it is not possible to do so, simply walk to the bathroom or water cooler or just pace back and forth. Sometimes, taking a shower helps too.

8)Listen to your favorite music- According to researchers, music can help reduce stress to a large extent. It helps to reduce the heart rate and, at the same time, increase the release of endorphins.

9)Do some mathematics- Pick up a newspaper or magazine and try to do tbd puzzles given there. You could also try some mathematical puzzles given there. This will divert your mind and help you to cool down.

10)Be a fighter- At the first sign of stress, we often hear people say, "What did I do to deserve this?".This type of feeling and thought process only aggravates the feeling of stress and helplessness. Instead, focus on being positive and proactive. Don't indulge in self-pity, think positive.

I hope the above tips will help you to manage your stress and lead a peaceful life.

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Nasir - Apr 18, 2020, 12:47 PM - Add Reply


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Having completed Masters in Computer Application(MCA), am currently working as a lecturer in college.