Top 10 Signs That Tell If You Are A Genius

1. Take frequent naps during the day.

You must be feeling strange to hear this, taking frequent naps and taking short sleep can be a sign of your being a genius. Scientists have found out by doing research and study that taking small sleep repeatedly during the day not only increases the brainpower of a person but also sharpens it. Actually, a person needs rest along with his body and his mind also needs rest and sleeping gives the most rest to the brain. Everyone used to take little sleep. These people used to call this short sleep a power nap.

Thomson Edison and Nikola Tesla were two such geniuses who always favoured getting a power nap. They believed that getting about 20 minutes of sleep between work recharges and resets the brain. This helps a lot in doing work and you work in a better way and you feel free in yourself, due to which your ability to think and understand increases, then your work comes out in a better way.


2. Doodling 

Doodling means when a person is given a task and instead of doing it, he starts drawing similar lines and pictures with a pen and copy in his hand, doing that is called doodling. Usually, people see someone doing this, then they consider him to be lazy and lazy, but if the research is to be believed, then this habit of people can be a sign of their genius. The ability to solve problems, think and understand logic and remember things is more than ordinary people, as well as the ability to stay focused on places like classrooms and conference rooms.

When a researcher from the United Kingdom, JK Entrade did a memory test of people who doodling, they found shocking results because people who doodling are successful in remembering 29 per cent more information than other common people.              

3. Being disorganized


 You must have often seen in movies and television programs etc. that whenever a genius is shown in these, it appears in a very disorganized form, whether it is about his strange clothes or things scattered on the desk or his head and beard. To have big hair, many people feel that this is shown only in films and in reality, it has no relation. But according to the research, it could be a sign of your being a genius.

Some time ago, research in the University of Minnesota, while taking a test of students who were disorganized and systematic, asked them to make some new ideas and when both these types of students came up with their ideas, these researchers found that the students Lived chaotically, their ideas were much more creative than other students, that is, living chaotically can be a sign of a genius because they give more importance to their work, as it was seen in those people.                      

4. Having blue eyes.

Having such blue eyes has always been a sign of beauty because people like blue eyes very much, but according to scientists, your blue eyes can also be a sign of your genius mind because scientists say that in the matter of writing. Blue-eyed people are better than brown-eyed people and at the same time, the chances of succeeding in studies are more. able to do

On the other hand, the reaction time of people with brown eyes is better than people with blue eyes, so those people are more likely to be successful in various sports like cricket, hockey, football etc. Who thought eye colour could tell so much? So what is the colour of your eyes?

5. Talking to yourself

You must be finding it strange to hear that how talking to yourself can be a sign of being a genius because we often see only crazy people doing this, but if experts are to be believed, people who talk to themselves regularly are other people. Are more intelligent and different minded than people. In a study published in THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, famous psychologists Daniel Swigley and Gary Luffia hypothesized that talking to yourself is beneficial. In this experiment, he asked some people to keep quiet and other people to blur a thing while talking to themselves, then those who were talking to themselves were successful in finding that thing more quickly. Because when a person talks to himself about something, then that thing gets stored better in his mind.

6. Waking up late at night.

Sleeping early in the night, getting up early in the morning makes a person healthy, intelligent and wealthy, however, there is no shortage in this proverb. But looking at today's psychology, waking up late at night can also be a sign of a person's intelligence, a study done by experts has revealed that those who have low IQ levels sleep early in the night while those who are late in the night. By the time they wake up, their IQ level is higher than the people who sleep early. Famous psychologist and author Satoshi Kanazawa found in his research that people's average IQ level, sleeping and waking time have a deep connection, according to them, people who wake up at night are more intelligent.

7. Having fewer friends

It is shown in movies and television programs that genius people always like to be alone. Nor do they have many friends, according to psychologists, it is true that in different studies done at different places, it has come to the fore that more intelligent people and better IQ than ordinary people, they are either completely Likes to be alone or they have only one or two friends. Apart from this, their social circle is also very small, but this does not mean that people who have a small social circle or who do not like to be alone, can also be intelligent, but most of the cases are reversed. The reason for this is that people who have higher IQ levels are not interested in making social connections.

8. Likes chocolate.

 You will also find this thing very strange to hear. Research has found out that by eating cocoa fruit, the cognitive function of our brain gets boosted in a few hours, in simple words, eating chocolate makes our brain sharp. Studies have found that eating chocolate regularly boosts our brain but always keeps it sharp, however, follows is such a natural yogic that is found in different trees, but its maximum amount is found in the cockova tree. It also removes the problem of blood pressure. That's why people eat dark chocolate.

9. Lunula

You must have often noticed that the finger nails of some people have a white color mark like the shape of a half moon towards the roots, it is called lunula. It is believed by the experts that some signs of being a genius are also there in the human being. These white marks on the fingernails are also considered as evidence of human intelligence and it is said that the bigger and clearer winning the mark, the more intelligent and high IQ the person is. These marks are considered to be good physical and mental health. It is told

10. Taking too many vows.

 You must be thinking that what can be the relationship of the genius of swearing, but let us tell you that there is a difference in the thinking of psychology. And there is no proof of his being stupid at all, but it is a sign of his being intelligent and high IQ. But this does not mean that every genius would swear on this matter because it does not happen to every person, but according to studies, most people who are like this are only intelligent..

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