Top 10 secrets of navel according to Hindu scriptures

After birth, when the baby's umbilical cord is attached to the mother's umbilical cord and separated by doctors, a mark is formed on the baby's belly, which is called the navel.

Males have more hair around their navels than females. The shape and structure of the navel vary in all. The navel is found only in mammalian organisms, not in egg-laying organisms. Let's know the top 10 interesting facts about it.

1. According to Hindu scriptures, the navel is the center of our life energy. It is said that even after death, the soul remains in the navel for 6 minutes. The navel has an important place in the body than the mind. The navel is the first brain of the body, which is governed by death.

2. It is mentioned in Hindu scriptures that Lord Brahma was born from the navel of Lord Vishnu. Actually, every human being in this world is born from the navel. The navel is also called Hades. Vishnu resides in Hades. The navel is also the center of this earth and the entire universe. The entire life operates from the navel center.

3. Our subtle body is connected to the center of navel energy. If a saint moves out of the body and moves anywhere from the astral body, then a Rashmi is attached to his subtle body's navel between the navel of the gross body. If it breaks, then the person's relationship with his gross body also breaks.

4. In Yoga Shastra, navel chakra is called Manipur Chakra. This chakra of blood color located at the core of the navel is the third chakra under Manipur's body, which consists of 10 Dal lotus petals. The person whose consciousness or energy is gathered here has the passion to work. Such people are called 'Karmayogis.' These people are ready to do everything in the world.  When it is active, craving, jealousy, chewing, shame, fear, hatred, attachment, etc. are overcome. This chakra basically imparts self-power.

5. There are many ways of identifying disease in the Ayurveda system of medicine; one of them is identifying a disease by umbilical flutter. With umbilical pulsation, it can be detected which part of the body is deteriorating or diseased. All types of diseases can be cured through the operation of the navel and its treatment.

6. Mental and spiritual abilities are reduced by the sliding of the navel. If you move to the wrong place and become permanent, the results can be terrible. Getting the navel in place is a difficult task. A slight disturbance can lead to a new disease. The umbilical cord is related to the information system of the body's internal organs; therefore, to make the navel pulse sit in place, only qualified and knowledgeable doctors should be resorted to. Do not give the patient something to eat at night to bring the navel to the place. One should go for treatment on an empty stomach in the morning because the umbilical cord's position can be detected on an empty stomach.

7. According to the navel pulsing method, if the navel moves right in the middle of the middle layer, then the women are conceivable. But if this slips from the middle level and goes down towards the spine, such women cannot conceive. It is also said that women who have their navel in the middle give birth to a perfectly healthy baby.

8. Applying mustard oil on the navel makes lips soft. Applying ghee on the navel calms the stomach fire and is beneficial in many types of diseases. It provides benefit to eyes and hair. It also provides relief in body tremor, knee, and joint pain. This causes radiance on the face.

9. There are 1,458 types of bacteria found in the navel, which protect our body from external bacteria. There are many fungal infections in the navel, so it is essential to keep the navel clean. But it should not be cleaned so much that only its bacteria die.

10. According to the shape-type of the navel in Samudra Shastra, there is mention of woman and man's personality. Women whose navel is flat get angry soon, but if the male's navel is flat, he will be intelligent and forthright. Those who have deep navel are beauty lovers, romantic and sociable. They find their life partner beautiful. Women who have long and curved navels are confident and self-sufficient. Those whose navel is round, they are optimistic, intelligent, and kind. The marital life of such women passes happily. Those with shallow navel are weak and negative. Such people often leave work incomplete, and they are also irritable by nature.

People whose navel is big and deep above, then such people are cheerful and sociable. Such people are stubborn if there is a raised and enlarged navel. People with oval navels lose their time in thinking and leave a chance. Those with a wide navel are suspicious and intertwined. If people whose navel is seen divided from top to bottom, then such people are strong in terms of financial, family and health.

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