Top 10 Most Unexpected Animals: Do you know them?


  1. Pink Fairy Armadillo

Pink Fairy Armadillo

Armadillo can be found in Central Argentina, in places such as grassland, sandy plants, scrubby, or dunes. This little creature can be 90 to 115 mm long; it presents reduced eyes and reinforced forearms that support enlarged digging claws. The Pink Fairy Armadillo got its pink color from its blood vessels and has the incredible ability to change color according to its environment.


  1. Narwhal


What makes the narwhals so special is their spear: it can reach 3 m long, whereas their bodies can reach 5 m. The spear is actually one of their teeth that grows straight forward and forms a helical and pointy fang. Only males have spears, and they use it during mating to fence with other males in the Arctic Ocean.


  1. Thorny Dragon

Thorny Dragon

Also called the thorny devil, the thorny dragon lives in Australia. It consumes thousands of ants every day; it can live up to 20 years and reach 20 cm. Its preferred self-defense method consists of rolling into a ball to present the predator with only the hard and sharp spines on its body.


  1. Glaucus Atlanticus

Glaucus Atlanticus

Glaucus Atlanticus also goes by the names blue dragon, sea angle, or sea swallow. It lives in most of the world’s oceans. This unusual looking slug usually floats upside down just by the surface. Don’t be fooled by its amazing colors: in the tips of its many fingers is a poison that it uses to kill its prey!


  1. Star-Nosed Mole

Star-Nosed Mole

Probably the weirdest looking mole in the world, the star-nosed mole is completely blind. This handicap is compensated with a spectacular nose, composed of 22 tentacles used to find the prey. With around 25,000 sensors, the tentacles are very sensitive, which makes the star-nosed mole the first mammals to smell underwater.


  1. Dung Beetle

Dung Beetle

Could you picture yourself pulling six double-decker buses full of people? Compared to body weight, that is what a dung beetle is capable of. Actually, the dung bell happens to be the world’s strongest animal: it can pull 1,141 times its own body weight!


  1. Platypus


Spending most of its life in the water, the platypus is among nature’s most unlikely animals. Indeed, it can be described as a hodgepodge of 3 familiar species: the duck for the bill and webbed feet, the beaver for the tail, and the otter, for the body and fur. Although they might look cute, they have sharp stingers on the heels of their rear feet and can use them to deliver a strong toxic blow to any foe!


  1. Sea Sapphires

Sea Sapphires

Sea Sapphires are ant size creatures; they live in warm tropical seas. What makes them so astonishing is that one second, they can shimmer brightly, and the next, they appear almost to disappear! Their skin is made of many crystal layers separated from each other with some fluid. The color depends on the angle of the light that strikes them, and at some point, the reflected light reaches the UV spectrum, which means that we can’t see them anymore, so the sea sapphires disappear!


  1. Dumbo Octopus

Dumbo Octopus

Dumbo octopuses are known as the cutest octopuses in the world. They live at extreme depths in oceans worldwide and feed on snails, worms, or other creatures they hoover up from the ocean floor. Unlike other octopuses, they propel themselves through the water by flapping their strong fins. They are the deepest-living octopuses known, living up to 13,000 feet below the surface!


  1. Immortal Jellyfish

Immortal Jellyfish

As one could guess by the name of this very particular jellyfish, this species is immortal. How is that even possible?

Well, it can revert to its previous state when exposed to stress or injury, which basically means that they are biologically immortal. Awesome, right? However, it doesn’t prevent them from getting injured and eaten by other animals.




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