Top 10 Interesting Facts That You Don't Know

  1. Bubblegum Flavoured Broccoli:- If that sounds like it wouldn't taste good, it didn't... McDonald's created broccoli that taste like bubblegum. The crazy McDonald's created bubblegum broccoli just to get children to eat veggies. The McDonald's CEO said kids were confused by the taste. The bubblegum flavored was a failure.       
  2. Turkeys can Blush:- Turkeys blush when they are scared, ill or excited like when a male turkey sees a female turkey that they're interested in, the skin on their head and neck turns blue, red or white.
  3. The American Flag was Designed by a High School Student:- Wait, what! Yes, guys, a boy named Robert Heft was a junior in high school in 1958. His history teacher assigned a class project that demonstrated their interest in American history. Heft made an updated flag with 50 stars.
  4. Volcanoes on Moon:- There were volcanoes on the moon when dinosaurs were alive. These findings is the kind of science that is literally going to make geologists rewrite the textbooks about the moon. Scientists spotted 70 similar patches in the dark volcanic plains on the side of the moon that faces earth.
  5. H&M stands for? H&M actually does stands for something. This is one random fact that no one has thought of before. H means Hennes, which means hers in Swedish, and M means Mauritz, Mauritz Widfross, a Stockholm based retailer that sold fishing and hunting equipment.
  6. Eiffel Tower Can Grow in Summer:- The height of Eiffel Tower is 324 meters on average changes depending on the season. The Eiffel Tower can grow more than six inches in summer. When the temperature reaches as high as 40 degrees C, the metal at the base expands increasing the size of the Eiffel Tower. But once the hot sun goes down, the expansion decreases.
  7. Bees Can Make Colored Honey:- Honey color is a result of the floral nectars that go into it. Beekeepers in northeastern France found that their bees have been producing colored honey. There is a biogas plant that manages waste from a Mars chocolate factory, where M&Ms are produced. Beekeepers nearly noticed that their bees were making "unnatural shades of green and blue honey". A spokesperson said that the bees were eating sugary M&Ms waste caused the colored honey.
  8. Tomatoes were Poisonous in the 1700s:- In 1700s, aristocrats started eating tomatoes but they were convinced that fruits were poison because people would die after eating those. The acidity from tomatoes brought out lead in their pewter plates, so they'd died of lead poisoning.
  9. The Created of the  Pringles Can is Buried in One:- Fredric Baur was the person who created Pringles Can. The ashes of Fredric Baur who created the iconic Pringles can in 1966, found his eternal resting place in one when he dies in 2008. And FYI, his remains are in an original flavor can.
  10. Lenny Kravitz and Al Roker Are Related:- While the mild-mannered weatherman and the rock star may have drastically different demeanors, they're actually pretty closely related: Al Roker and Lenny Kravitz share a great-great-grandfather.

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