Top 10 Drink for summer


           “ Ice Apple juice ”

       Drink summer for freshness

      A Reviving Summer Pleasure

As the mid year sun bursts, there’s nothing very like a cool, invigorating beverage to beat the intensity. One such beverage, darling in different pieces of India, is the Ice Apple juice. Known for its hydrating properties and magnificent taste, this customary drink is an ideal mix of wellbeing and flavor.

   What is Ice Apple?

Ice apple, otherwise called Nungu in Tamil, Taati Munjalu in Telugu, and Drink Palm Organic product in English, is a tropical organic product tracked down principally in South and Southeast Asia. This clear, jam like natural product is reaped from the Palmyra palm tree and is a rich wellspring of nutrients and minerals. Its inconspicuous pleasantness and high water content make it an ideal element for summer drinks.

  Medical advantages of Ice Apple

Ice apple is something other than a flavorful natural product; it’s loaded with various medical advantages:

1. Hydration : With its high water content, ice apple helps keep the body hydrated, settling on it a great decision for warm late spring days.

2. Nutrient-Rich : This organic product is a decent wellspring of nutrients A, B, and C, fundamental for keeping up with sound skin, eyes, and insusceptible capability.

3. Digestive Aid : Ice apple is known for its cooling properties and helps in facilitating stomach related issues like acridity and stoppage.

4. Natural Detoxifier : It goes about as a characteristic detoxifier, assisting with flushing out poisons from the body and advancing by and large wellbeing.

 Making Ice Apple juice :

Making a tasty Ice Apple juice at home is basic and requires only a couple of fixings. Here is a fast recipe:


- 4-5 ice apples, stripped and cleaved

- 2 tablespoons of sugar or honey (change in accordance with taste)

- 1 liter of chilled water or coconut water

- A touch of salt

- A couple of mint leaves (discretionary)

- Ice solid shapes


1. Prepare the Ice Apples : Strip the ice apples and cleave them into little pieces. You can likewise mix them delicately on the off chance that you incline toward a smoother surface.

2. Mix the Ingredients : In an enormous pitcher, consolidate the hacked ice apples, sugar or honey, and a spot of salt. Mix well to break down the sugar.

3. Add Water: Pour in the chilled water or coconut water, and blend completely. Coconut water adds an additional layer of flavor and sustenance. 

4. Garnish and Serve : Add a couple of mint leaves for a reviving touch and serve the juice over ice 3D squares. Partake in the beverage promptly for the best taste and cooling impact. 

 Varieties of Ice Apple juice :

You can modify Ice Apple juice in different ways to suit your taste inclinations:

- Fruity Twist : Add new natural product juices like lemon, lime, or orange for a tart character. 

- Natural Infusion :  Integrate spices like basil or lemongrass for a novel turn.

- Zest It Up : A smidgen of dark salt or simmered cumin powder can add a flavorful note to the beverage. 

 End :

Ice Apple juice isn’t just a delightful and reviving beverage yet additionally a force to be reckoned with of supplements that can assist you with remaining hydrated and solid during the searing mid year months. With its simple readiness and flexible varieties, it’s a must-pursue anybody hoping to partake in a characteristic and scrumptious refreshment. Thus, next time the temperature increases, go after a few ice apples and prepare this superb juice to chill off and restore.















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