Top 10 Business in the world

The world is a vast and varied place, with many different businesses that drive its economy. Each year, the top-ranked companies and their revenues are closely followed and examined by corporate analysts. Businesses are an essential part of the global economy, driving growth, innovation, and economic development. With the advent of digitization and technology, businesses have rapidly scaled up, resulting in global giants with a significant presence in a number of countries. In this article, we will take a look at the top 10 businesses in the world for 2022, and explore their impact on the global economy.  

Starting off the list is Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, with a presence across 28 countries and estimated sales of over $500 billion in 2020. Apart from its extensive retail offerings across a range of categories, Walmart is also known for its digital expansion and online groceries, which have helped it remain highly competitive in the market.

 Next on the list is Apple. The technology giant has revolutionized the tech industry with its iconic devices and has become the world’s most valuable company with a market capitalization of over $2 trillion in 2020. Apart from its hardware products, Apple is also known for its software and services, including iTunes, iCloud, and the App Store.

 Following in the footsteps of Apple is Amazon, the world’s largest e-commerce platform. With more than 300 million active customers and estimated sales of $280 billion in 2020, Amazon has become the go-to online retailer for a wide range of products. Amazon’s presence is also highly globalized, with expansion into key markets such as India, the UK, and Japan.

 Fourth on the list is Royal Dutch Shell, an oil and gas company with a presence in more than 80 nations. With an estimated revenue of $388 billion in 2020, Royal Dutch Shell is the largest publicly traded oil company in the world. The company has consistently provided innovative solutions to the energy sector and is a major player in the industry.

 Moving on, we have Microsoft, the world’s largest technology firm. With a market capitalization of over $1.5 trillion in 2020, it has become one of the most valuable companies in the world. Microsoft is a leader in many areas of computing, developing the Windows operating system and a range of software products.

 Next is Walmart in India, making it the sixth-largest business in India. Walmart entered India’s retail market in 2007 and has since grown to become the country’s largest retail chain with more than 1,500 stores and over 8 million customers. Walmart India is helping to provide millions of Indian people with access to affordable and quality consumer goods.

 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC): ICBC is the world’s largest public holding bank and, it has banking operations in more than 80 countries around the world. It reported a revenue of over $140 billion in 2020 and is China’s most valuable publicly listed bank. ICBC offers services like corporate banking, retail banking,

 Seventh on the list is Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest oil company, with estimated revenue of $355 billion in 2020. Saudi Aramco is one of the lowest-cost oil producers in the world, and its presence is highly globalized, with production and exploration in more than 20 countries.


The eighth business on the list is Alphabet, the parent company of Google. Alphabet is the world.

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